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Dynamite bombs have been coming into Khinjan month by month these three years! Bombs and rifles and cartridges! Muhammad Anim's men, whom be trusts because he must, hid it all in a cave I showed them, that they think, and he thinks, has only one entrance to it. Muhammad Anim scaled it, and he has the key. But I have the ammunition!

"There was another way out of that cave, although there is none now, for I have blocked it. My men, whom I trust because I know them, carried everything out by the back way, and I have it all. I will show it to you presently. "I know all Muhammad Anim's plans. Bull-with-a-beard believes himself a statesman, yet he told me all he knows!

Each of them lay dead with a knife wound in his back, and the mullah's men possessed themselves of rifles and knives and cartridges, wiping off blood that had scarcely cooled yet. When they came to the end of the tunnel it was to find the door into the mosque open in front of them, and twenty more of Muhammad Anim's men standing guard over the eyelashless mullah. They had bound and gagged him.

They took a vote on it and were agreed; but that did not suit King at all, whatever Muhammad Anim's personal deserts might be. To let him be stabbed would be to leave Yasmini without a check on her of any kind, and then might India defend herself! Yet to leave the mullah and Yasmini both at large would be almost equally dangerous, for they might form an alliance.

Will you test my authority, Muhammad Anim?" The mullah sat down, and hundreds of men laughed at him, but not all of the men by any means. "It is the law that none goes out of Khinjan Cave alive who breaks the law of the Caves. But he broke no very big law. And he spoke truth. Think Ye! If that head had only fallen into Muhammad Anim's lap, the mullah might have smuggled in another man with it!"

But she checked it with a regal gesture, and a glance of contempt at the mullah that was alone worth a journey across the "Hills" to see. "Guards!" she said quietly. And the crowd's sigh then was like the night wind in a forest. "Away with those three of Muhammad Anim's men!" Twelve of the arena guards threw down their shields with a sudden clatter and seized the prisoners, four to each.

"Knowing that he dares begin and can accomplish what he threatens, I am sorry; because I know it is said how many services you have rendered of old to the government I serve. We who serve one raj are One one to remember one to forget one to help each other in good time. "I have not been idle. Some of Muhammad Anim's men are already mine.