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The famine and its results were terrible while they lasted; but they left behind them an amended state of things. When man has failed to rule the world rightly, God will step in, and will cause famines, and plagues, and pestilence even poverty itself with His own Right Arm.

It lays down once and for all that finance or money Bills can not be vetoed or amended by the House of Lords which, after all, is only an indorsement of what was accepted till 1909 as the constitutional practise and it limits the duration of Parliament to five years.

It became, moreover, a centre of improvement, not for Germany alone, but for the whole astronomical world. During two-and-thirty years it was the scene of Bessel's labours, and Bessel's labours had for their aim the reconstruction, on an amended and uniform plan, of the entire science of observation. A knowledge of the places of the stars is the foundation of astronomy.

One might also press upon them that this is even a more scandalous measure, when they are unable to make an alteration in the language and letter of the law, to alter it in the actual facts, and to give a decision contrary to it; and besides, that it is a scandalous thing that anything should be taken from the law, or that the law should be abrogated or changed in any part whatever, without the people having any opportunity of knowing, or approving, or disapproving of what is done; that such conduct is calculated to bring the judges themselves into great odium; that it is not the proper time nor opportunity for amending the laws; that this ought only to be brought forward in an assembly of the people, and only to be done by the people; that if they now do so, the speaker would like to know who is the maker of the new law, and who are to obey it; that he sees actions impending, and wishes to prevent them; that as all such proceedings as these are exceedingly useless and abundantly discreditable, the law, whatever it is like, ought, while it exists, to be maintained by the judges, and hereafter, if it is disapproved of, to be amended by the people.

"And consideration is consideration," I rather wearily amended. "We can't always do what we want to," he next remarked, apparently intent on being genially axiomatic. "Then to what must the humble family attribute this visit?" I inquired, despising that tone of mockery into which I had fallen yet seeming unable to drag myself out of its muck-bottom depths.

Thereafter, save for a change in the manner of electing the President and Vice-president, the Constitution was not again amended until after the close of the Civil War, when Amendments XIII, XIV, and XV, having for their primary object the protection of the newly enfranchised Negroes, were adopted.

Consult them in everything but, on particular occasions, consult " "I'll come to you," I filled in. "And you may always count on my aid but, I was about to say, upon particular occasions consult the Princess." "Good," said I. "I shall riot in particular occasions." "P. V." he amended. "Oh! I'm her cousin," I laughed. "And so is Lotzen." "Damn Lotzen," said I, heartily.

"You think the Bill as amended an improvement?" he asked. "Probably," replied Mrs. Young, "but as I didn't think the improvement great enough, I voted against it both times." But I had not done so, and my vote on the second occasion was in favour of the Bill. But, as Mr.

The resolution, as it finally passed, is here inserted. The original Resolution, as moved by Mr. Clay, was inserted at the head of this postscript with the impression that it was the amended form. It will be seen however, that it underwent no material modification.

The words seemed wrung from the Sheriff against his will. "That's my business!" came like a knife-cut from the Girl. "Do you know you're talkin' to the Sheriff?" "I'm talkin' to Jack Rance, the gambler," she amended evenly. "You're right, and he's just fool enough to take you up," returned Rance with sudden decision.