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I have a rope that is long enough to lower you over the parapet. I am prepared to risk the consequences, but I want to bargain with you for aid for my Countrymen." Jaimihr did not answer. "The Alwa-sahib and his Rangars stand pledged to help your brother!" "I guessed at least that much," laughed Jaimihr. "They would not help you against him under any circumstances.

Now, because it was impregnable to almost anything except a yet-to-be-invented air-ship, the Alwa-sahib owned a fortress still, high-perched on a crag that overlooked a glittering expanse of desert.

Tell her whither I have sent thee. Tell the Alwa-sahib that a Rangar by name Ali Partab sworn follower of the prophet, and servant of the Risaldar Mahommed Gunga is in need and asks his instant aid. Say also to the Alwa-sahib that it may be well to rescue the Miss-sahib first, before he looks for me, but of that matter I am no judge, being imprisoned and unable to ascertain the truth.

"It is the son of Cunnigan-bahadur!" growled Mahommed Gunga, standing chin erect. He seemed in no doubt now of the outcome. He was merely waiting for it with soldierly and ill-concealed impatience. "But, sahib " "Alwa-sahib, we have no time for argument. It is yes or no. I must send an answer back by that Sikh. He must he shall take my answer! Either you are loyal to our cause or you are not.

I am free again!" "Alwa-sahib!" Cunningham had fixed him with those calm gray eyes of his, and Mahommed Gunga sat down on the nearest bench contented. He could wait for what was coming now. He recognized the blossoming of the plant that he had nursed through its growth so long. "I listen," answered Alwa. "I represent the British Government. I am the only servant of the Company within reach.

Alive, he had been worth three mohurs, but he died while they bargained for him! Quick!" "I am black, sahib, and the night is black. I am old, and none would believe me active. They watch the gates, but the bats fly in and out." "Find out, then, what has happened to my horses, left at the caravansary; give that information to the Alwa-sahib. Tell the Miss-sahib at the mission where I am.

The Sikh came running, and Cunningham gave him the folded note. "Have you a horse for him, Alwa-sahib?" "That has been attended to, sahib," the Sikh answered. "The Alwa-sahib has given me a wonder of a horse." "Very well, then, Jaidev Singh. Watch your chance.

A plan is something quickly seized at the right second and then acted on like your capture of Jaimihr. Wait awhile, Alwa-sahib!" "Ay, wait awhile!" growled Mahommed Gunga. "Did I bring thee a leader to ask plans of thee, or a man of men for thee to follow? Which?" "All the same," said Alwa, "I would rather halt and make a good plan. It would be wiser. I do not understand this one."

Alwa himself saw nothing to object to in the man's precaution. "Ask the old crows' meat whither she was running." "She says she would find the Alwa-sahib." "Tell her I am he." Joanna fawned and laid her wrinkled forehead in the dust. "Get up!" he growled. "Thy service is dishonor and my ears are deaf to it! Now, speak! Hast thou a message? Who is it sends a rat to bring me news?" "Ali Partab."

Where the carcass is, there wheel the kites and there the jackals fight, as your proverb says. The easiest part will be finding the treasure. Then " They legged in closer to him, hanging on his words and too busy listening to speak. "If Howrah thinks we're after the treasure and decides to fight without previous argument, that absolves you from your promise, doesn't it, Alwa-sahib?"