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Updated: November 24, 2024
Special Correspondent of Dublin Freeman. "How is it that a war expenditure never alarms our practical public, while half the amount employed among ourselves produces something like a panic? No; his destruction of that amount of capital would have been rewarded with a peerage and a pension for three lives." Illustrated London News, May 8th, 1847.
"Captain Truscott! gentlemen! The commanding officer's compliments, and desires to see all the officers at once." The group started at the instant. Truscott turned and held out his hands to his wife. With the quick intuition of a woman accustomed to "war's alarms," she felt that evil tidings had come, and was already starting to leave the carriage. "Oh! what can it be?" almost wailed Mrs. Turner.
He had never been able to take Catherine's alarms seriously. An attentive onlooker, however, would have admitted that this time, at any rate, they had their justification. Why Langham was so much in the Leyburns' drawing-room during these winter months was a question that several people asked himself not least.
Sometimes a whole meal would pass without her addressing a single word to Margaret, then, as the latter would begin to feel that her vague alarms were groundless, and that Hilary suspected nothing, sudden allusion to Hampstead, or the school where she was supposed to have taught so long, would set her trembling again.
Henry, bewildered by rumors of plots and perils, hesitated whether to retire from the capital with his friends in a body, taking the admiral with them, or more secretly to endeavor to effect an escape. But Catharine and Charles, the moment for action having not quite arrived, were unwearied in their exertions to allay this excitement and soothe these alarms.
Ned thought to make a way through the lines, but so many lights now flared up on all the outskirts that he saw it was impossible. He turned back again to the side of the pyramid, where he was almost hidden by débris and foliage. Two or three false alarms had been sounded on the other side of the great structure, and practically the whole mob of searchers was drawn away in that direction.
"Aileen!" exclaimed Miss Pritty, raising her head suddenly, and gazing with anxiety into the face of her friend; "has our short residence among these wretches begun to remove that delicacy of mind and sentiment for which I always admired you?" "No," returned Aileen, firmly, "but your excessive alarms may have done something towards that end.
Hetty coloured with a sudden rush of confusion, and had all she could do to meet his eager, happy eyes as he stood over her and proclaimed his pleasure in jerky, awkward sentences. Then they walked on together, a strange shyness attending them. She experienced the faintness of breath that comes when the heart is filled with pleasant alarms. As for Booth, his blood sang.
The English equivalents of Talleyrand the men who directly or in their ancestors had ruled England since 1688, had enjoyed power without responsibility, and privilege which alike Kings and mobs had questioned in vain were filled with the wildest alarms.
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