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He would be home soon, and then they would have a last chat over the fire together; and that would help to renew her in her determination to cut the dangerous friendship adrift. She leaned back in the chair a little wearily, and waited for the welcome sound of his key in the latch.

Then, all prepared, Peters sprang into the boat, bored a score of auger-holes in the bottom, and as the great red sun set fierce and blazing behind the black profile of the cliff, the filling boat was set adrift, straight down the path of the luminary, bound ever westward, until the sea gods claimed it and its passenger for their own.

To cut a long story short, I won through the frantic opposition of my family, cut myself adrift, and came out here to see for myself what Billy was doing that gave him a satisfaction he had never found in his peaceful easy living; in spite of the hunger I had always known was wearing out his soul for me." She looked out across the country dreamily, before she finished.

"No, no!" she cried, "it's only that I want to feel an anchor. We are all adrift. Sandra is in perfect health. Our bodies, dear Merthyr, are enjoying the perfection of comfort. Nothing is done here except to keep us from boiling over." "Why does not Count Ammiani come to Rome?" said Merthyr. "Why are we not all in Rome? Yes, why! why! We should make a carnival of our own if we were."

For, when all is said and done, it was nothing more than the blowing adrift of one of the sails; yet accompanied by what were really significant details significant, that is, in the light of that which Tammy and I and the Second Mate knew. Seven bells, and then one, had gone in the first watch, and our side was being roused out to relieve the Mate's.

Three times we are told that the deceased is placed on a tabalang, or raft, on which a live rooster is fastened before it is set adrift on the river. Up to this time in our reconstruction of the life of "the first times" we have mentioned nothing impossible or improbable to the present day Tinguian, although, as we shall see later, there are some striking differences in customs and ideas.

From it rose the sharp, pungent odor peculiar to seaweed and the old mariner had no difficulty in recognizing the stunning fact that he was adrift in the Sargasso Sea of which he had heard so many ominous tales. The realization was a shocking one. It meant, as he knew, that he was to all intents and purposes a doomed man.

I told off two of the rowers of the previous day the two whose position in the bows had given them the best view of the scuffle to cut the thing adrift. They did so and came back with the report that they had never seen the dead man before in their lives. So I tried to feel easy.

Though the Dolphin was also on the same side, she lay out of sight by the beach at the farther extremity of the island. Binny Wallace had been absent five or six minutes when we heard him calling our several names in tones that indicated distress or surprise, we could not tell which. Our first thought was, "The boat has broken adrift!" We sprung to our feet and hastened down to the beach.

Slipping down the landing steps, I cast adrift three out of the four boats, and re- moored them in a string, one to the stern of another, so that by manning the leading boat, we could tow the others after us. Then I returned to the capstan-house and proceeded to look for a carpenter's maul, which I quickly found.