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We seem industrious to make every branch of education a vehicle for inspiring a premature taste for literary amusements; and our old fashioned moral adages in writing-books are replaced by scraps from "Elegant Extracts," while print-work and embroidery represent scenes from poems or novels.

He is an entomologist, a lapidary, a jeweler, a coiner of sentences, of adages, of criticisms, of aphorisms, counsels, problems; and his book, extracted from the accumulations of his journal during fifty years of his life, is a collection of precious stones, of butterflies, coins and engraved gems.

"Spare the rod and spoil the child" is another old adage which has been almost as universally accepted. Still another adage, expresses a fundamental principle: "Children should be seen, not heard." These adages are sufficient to indicate the basic theory that governed the bringing up of children for countless generations. What do they imply?

Across a little opening of the woods to the west he saw a movement in the bushes, but it ceased, and he was in doubt whether the creature, presumably a deer, was standing there or had gone on. "Never quit till you are sure," was one of Quonab's wise adages. Rolf was bound to know what it was that had moved. So he stood still and waited.

I want to marry with all the bloom on and all my illusions fresh." "But should you like to have them rubbed off by your husband? You've heard the old adage: 'marry in haste and repent " "I've been brought up on adages. They are called bromides now. As for illusions, everybody says they don't last anyway.

With growing dismay she could find only a sorry little group of shivering hopes and shaken adages. What was she? Only a well-educated nonentity with, for all coherence and purpose in life, a knowledge of art and literature and a helpless feeling for charm.

"Well, I'll be Why, it's no different from our position in the river franchise matter, not in the least and we did pretty well with that, as you know." Gard nodded. "Yes, we are practically in the same position, as you say. The position is the same but we are different. I suppose you've heard a number of adages concerning the irresponsibility of corporations? Well, we are going to change all that.

He has bought two specimens of poultry, which, if there be any truth in adages, were certainly not caught with chaff, to be prepared for the spit; he has amazed and rejoiced the family by their unlooked-for production; he is himself directing the roasting of the poultry; and Mrs.

"Be quiet!" Pertinax retorted irritably. "I will not submit to being lectured. I am Governor of Rome though you are Galen the philosopher. And I remember many of your adages this minute, as for instance: 'It is he who acts who is responsible. To kill an emperor is easy, Galen. To replace him is as difficult as to fit a new head to a body. We have talked a lot of treason, most of it nonsense.

And then, with the movement of an arm, a foot, he would assure himself that he was alone in his holland. Nevertheless, the talk continued. It was terrible to be thus haunted by a voice: to have advice, commands, remonstrance, all sorts of saws and adages still poured upon him, and no visible wife.