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Thrale's little daughters: 'I live here by my own self, and have had of late very bad nights; but then I have had a pig to dinner which Mr. Perkins gave me. Thus life is chequered. Piozzi Letters, ii. 327. See ante, i. 242. See ante, i. 242. Nos. 26 and 29. Piozzi Letters, i. 334. See ante, p. 75. He strongly opposed the war with America, and was one of Dr. Franklin's friends.

In 327 he crossed the Indus, vanquished Porus in a pitched battle, took him prisoner, and treated him as a king. He contemplated passing the Ganges, but his army refused.

The total value of the land owned was $273,000,000, an average of $1250 to the farm. The other property of the negro can only be estimated, as most States do not list the races separately. The census for 1910 reports 430,449 homes, rural and urban, owned by negroes, and of these 314,340 were free of encumbrance, compared with a total of 327,537 homes in 1900, of which 229,158 were free.

Ibid. p. 327. Alas! how soon he tired of the great and coveted prize. Hooker, Suppl. to Holinshed's Chronicle, p. 183. Some Considerations for the Promoting of Agriculture and Employing the Poor, addressed to Members of the House of Commons, by R.L. V.M. Haliday Collection of pamphlets in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 54. Short View of the State of Ireland.

In the following summer we are still in '48 a day-school was held in the room, to which the younger boys who were wanted in the factory at uncertain times and for indefinite periods, were sent when not employed drafted from school to work, and from work to school, as the necessities of the factory required. The annual cost of this day-school is L.130; the total cost from the commencement, L.327.

A tract had been recently printed in Holland, entitled "Killing no Murder," which, from the powerful manner in which it was written, made a deeper impression on the public mind than any other literary production of the age. After an address to Polit. No. 345; Bates, Elen. 388; Clarendon Pap. iii. 324, 325, 327; Claren.

Hence, perhaps, may be best explained what St. Peter says in the second Epistle, after pleading a miracle. 'We have also a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto you do well that you take heed. I believe that St. Ib. p. 327. Agreeable to these passages of the Prophet, St.

May 6, 2007: 89,841 files downloaded in the day; 697,818 files downloaded in the week; 2,995,436 files downloaded in the month. May 8, 2008: 115,138 files downloaded in the day; 714,323 files downloaded in the week; 3,055,327 files downloaded in the month. Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ Project Gutenberg / Catalog: http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/

Oh! the hardships I thought my blind one might go under would break my heart to pieces." "The parting with my wife and poor children hath oft been to me in this place as the pulling my flesh from my bones." Grace Abounding, 327, 328. Ed. 48 "Thodes"; whirlwinds. This word does not occur in any English dictionary or glossary.

A more interesting society was that for 'bettering the condition of the poor, started by Sir Thomas Bernard and Wilberforce in 1796. Biographia Literaria , ii. 327. I have thus noticed the most conspicuous of the contemporary problems which, as we shall see, provided the main tasks of Bentham and his followers.