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"Souvenirs de Vaublanc," i., p. 231. August 23d, 1775, No. 1524, in Cunningham's edition, vol. vi., p. 245. The Prince of Wales and the Duke of York, who were just at this time astonishing London with their riotous living. "Gustave III. et la Cour de France," i. p. 279. The Duc d'Angoulême, afterward dauphin, when the Count d'Artois succeeded to the throne as Charles X.

It had broken and shrunk before we get the first historical glimpses of them; before they sacked Delphi in 279 B.C.: before their ambassadors made a treaty with Alexander; and replied to his question as to what they feared: "Nothing except that the skies should fall." Before they sacked Rome in 390.

Since the time of these two contemporaneous salamanders there have been many others, but probably none have attained the same notoriety. In this connection Tillet speaks of some servant girls to a baker who for fifteen minutes supported a temperature of 270 degrees F.; for ten minutes, 279 degrees F.; and for several minutes, 364 degrees F., thus surpassing Martinez.

On the 1st of July, 1866, while at Fort Leavenworth on leave of absence from the Senate on account of ill-health, he committed suicide. 171, 201, 279, 284, 285, 457, 569. GEORGE R. LATHAM was born in Prince William County, Virginia, March 9, 1832. He engaged in teaching school, and while in that employment studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1859.

Misther Grogan had a grand notice in th' pa-apers: 'Grogan, at his late risidence, 279 A-archoor Avnoo, Timothy Alexander, beloved husband iv th' late Mary Grogan, father iv Maurice, Michael, Timothy, Edward, James, Peter, Paul, an' Officer Andrew Grogan, iv Cologne Sthreet station, an' iv Mrs. 'Fun'ral be carriages fr'm his late risidence to Calv'ry cimithry. Virginia City, Nivada; St.

Travels in France, p. 54. Ibid. p. 109. Ibid. p. 61. Ibid. p. 70. Ibid. p. 279. Travels in France, p. 125. Ibid. p. 131. Ibid. pp. 198, 298. Ibid. pp. 55, 193, 199, 237. Ibid. p. 43. Travels in France, pp. 291-92. Ibid. p. 132. Ibid. p. 66. Ibid. p. 131. e.g. Northern Tour, iv. 344, 377. Irish Tour, ii. 114. Southern Tour, p. 326. Southern Tour, p. 22. Annals, i. 380. Ibid. vol, x. Ibid. iv. 17.

The number of parallel bands in this decoration is highly suggestive. Four parallel bands encircle the bowl shown in figure 279, but they are so modified in their course as to form a number of trapezoidal figures placed with alternating sides parallel. This interesting pattern is found only on one vessel.

Forty-seven are seminaries and academies, male and co-education, with 369 professors and instructors, 5,250 students, and endowment and property worth $3,787,793. And thirty-one are institutions of learning for colored people and Indians, several of which are chartered colleges, with 279 instructors, 5,177 students, endowment and property worth $1,380,540.

If he had recourse to the returns of the commissioners, he would have found, that while in the year ending January 1844 the gross number of those who received parochial relief in Ireland was 53,582, the number of those who received similar relief in England amounted to 4,279,565, considerably more than one-fourth of the population, of whom 958,057 actually entered the Bastiles.

The dikes were seriously injured at more than forty points. See page 279, ante. In the flood of 1856, the Loire made seventy-three breaches in its dikes, and thus, instead of a comparatively gradual rise and gentle expansion of its waters, it created seventy-three impetuous torrents, which inflicted infinitely greater mischief than a simply natural overflow would have done.