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About an hour after, brother T sent me a note, to say that he had received 1l. this morning, and that last evening a brother had sent 29lbs. of salt, 44 dozen of onions, and 26lbs. of groats. Sept. 7. The time had come that I had to send money to the Infant-Orphan-House, but the Lord had not sent any more.

A brother formerly an officer in the navy, Who for Jesus’ sake has given up his rank and pay, gave three silver table spoons, three silver forks, and two teaspoons, to be sold for the benefit of the Orphans. The produce of them, with 1l. 5s. which has come in besides, enabled us to meet the expenses of today and tomorrow. Jan. 26. Saturday.

Monday. looked into the baths, and find the King and Queene's full of a mixed sort of good and bad, and the Cross only almost for the gentry. So home with my wife, and did pay my guides, two women, 5s.; one man, 2s. 6d.; poor, 6d.; woman to lay my foot-cloth, 1s. So to our inne, and there eat and paid reckoning, 1l. 8s. 6d.; servants, 3s.; poor, 1s.; lent the coachman, 10s.

The terms for clothing, lodging, boarding, and educating, are 14l. a year; half to be paid in advance, when the pupils are sent; and also 1l. entrance-money, for the use of books, &c.

When we met about twelve o’clock this morning, I found that last evening there had been Bibles unexpectedly sold to the amount of 1l. 11s. 6d., and about 10s. had been given besides. Thus we had nearly enough for the School-Fund. Moreover, 15s. had come in for the Orphan-Fund.

On my arrival at home I opened the box in my house, in which I found 2l. 0s. 6d., so that I had 1l. 0s. 6d. to send off, whereby the usual quantity of bread could be taken in. Nov. 19. Since Sept. 18, 1838, this has been, perhaps, of all the days the most trying. The poverty has been exceedingly great for the last six days. There had come in no money since yesterday.

Thus we had 1l. 10s. 6d. to divide, and therefore more than was absolutely needed; also one of the labourers had ordered half a ton of coals to be sent to the Boys’ Orphan-House, for which he paid himself. This afternoon I received 100l. from a sister; 50l. for the Orphans, and 50l. for the School Bible and Missionary-Fund.

To dine eight persons, worth 1l, 8s. 6d., for 7s. 3d.; to dine twelve, worth 1l. 18s. 6d., for 10s. 11½d.; to dine sixteen, worth 3l. 19s. 6d., for 19s. 9¼d.; and so on, at the same rate, to any size which the epicurean habits of this convivial age can possibly require. Space will not permit us here to give the bill entire, but after this fashion was it framed.

"Indeed, on Sunday I was taken in my stomick very ill, and thought it might have been the lobster-sauce; but Doctor Blogg, who was called in, said it was, he very much feared, cumsumptive; but gave me some pills and a draft wh made me better. Please call upon him he lives at Pimlico, and you can walk out there after office hours and present him with 1l. 1s., with my compliments.

This morning I received a letter from Bristol, in which I was informed that on Saturday came in 12s. 6d; also 9s. was given by one of the labourers. Besides this were received 3s. by sale of articles, and three small donations, amounting to 5s. Thus the Lord most mercifully sent in 1l. 9s. 6d., which was enough to supply the absolute need. Nov. 17. Trowbridge.