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Have you many lovers? Do you go to many balls?" "Do you think me so base that I could dance while Poland is in chains?" said the countess, frowning. The Countess Zamoiska laughed aloud. "Voyons are you going to play Jeanne d'Arc to bring female heroism into fashion? Oh, Anna!

But all her efforts to interest the court on my behalf remained entirely fruitless, in spite of her intimacy with Countess Zamoiska; for unfortunately a member of that Konneritz family from Saxony, which was everywhere turning up for my discomfiture, had now appeared as ambassador here also.

Oh, that I should have lived to see this day!" She covered her face with her hands, and sobbed aloud. "Vraiment, Anna," said the Countess Zamoiska pettishly, "I cannot understand you. Instead of rejoicing over the king's escape, here you begin to cry over the sins of his murderers. They died cursing Kosinski as a traitor.

"Ah, ma chere, my name has not been Zamoiska for four years. Dear me! The king knows what misery it is to be tied to a person that loves you no longer; and luckily for us, he has the power of divorce. He does it for the asking, and every divorce is a signal for a succession of brilliant balls; for you understand that people don't part to go on and pout.

We have never had more delightful balls in Warsaw than have been given since so many Russian regiments have been stationed there." "You have danced with those who have murdered your brothers and relatives? danced while the people of Poland are trodden under foot!" "Ah, bah! Ne parlez pas du people!" cried the Countess Zamoiska, with a gesture of disgust.

A day of reckoning will come for him who wears the splendor of royalty, yet casts away its obligations!" "Vraiment, dear Anna, to hear your rhapsodies, one would almost believe you to be one of the Confederates who lately attempted the life of the king," cried the Countess Zamoiska, laughing. "Who attempted the king's life?" said the countess, turning pale.

My friend Prince Liechtenstein thought this was by no means impossible, and believed he might manage to interest the Imperial Court through Countess Zamoiska, one of the ladies-in-waiting, and he one day accompanied me through the interminable corridors of the Imperial Castle on a visit to this lady. I afterwards learned that Mme.

"He comes," whispered she, scarcely breathing, and she turned her bright smiling face toward the door. It opened, and admitted a young woman whose marvellous beauty was enhanced by all the auxiliaries of a superb toilet and a profusion of magnificent jewels. "Countess Zamoiska," exclaimed the disappointed hostess, coming forward, and striving to keep up the smile.