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Nay, the young working-girl is even "her own worst competitor the competitor against her own future home, and as wife and mother she may have to live on the wage she herself has cheapened." And to face a situation like this are we making any adequate preparation? With how little we are satisfied, let me illustrate. In the address of Mrs.

We very much wiser people of the twentieth century smile when we read of these ridiculous edicts of a long-ago court, but we placidly continue to condemn the shop-girl and the working-girl if she dares to imitate Parisienne importations. It is very often the same in the household.

No one can believe more fully than I in equal wages for work that is really equal; but it seems to me that private contract, and not public action, must regulate the matter of special wage. Government reports show that the average age of the working-girl in this country is but twenty-two years, and that after twenty the number falls off rapidly.

He felt that he was quite handsome enough to woo and win an heiress, if one chanced in his way. In fact, that was what he was looking for. It would never do to be seen walking along the streets with this pretty little working-girl, and it was for this very reason that Langdon had called a cab to take her home.

It touched the heart of the innocent working-girl with hope, for hers were the years, and poverty could not as yet fill her young mind with cares. She rubbed diligently always, and sometimes forgot the troubled mother at her side, whose kindly eyes were becoming invested with crows' feet, and whose lips half repeated the hundred cares of the day.

The little working-girl has become prudent: she has much to lose, and fears to compromise herself. "A week later, in a laconic note, apparently dictated by an irresistible passion, she begs my father to come to see her at her own house. He does so, and finds there a little girl, whom he believes to be his own child, and whom he at once begins to idolize. "And that's all.

He was not used to being thwarted, and this high-handed little working-girl, with her challenging eyes and mocking laugh, who had never heard of the proprieties, and yet denied him favors, was the first person he had ever known who refused absolutely to let him have his own way. With a boy's impetuous desire he became obsessed by the idea of her.

I don't pretend to deny that I have spoken to you very much for Dora's sake, for whom I have an almost motherly feeling; but you should act for your sister's sake. And please don't forget what I have said, young man, and give Miriam my best love." When Ralph walked back to the Tolbridge piazza he found the working-girl sitting there, waiting for him.

Only, if a poor working-girl don't want to make it everybody's darn business, she can't run around with the fast rich boys of this town and then get invited to help hem the altar-cloth." "Anything I do in this town I'm not ashamed to do in broad daylight." "Maybe; but just the samey, I notice the joy rides out to Claxton don't take place in broad daylight.

"Hoity toity!" he muttered, with a crimson face; "our pretty seamstress hath the manner of a princess! One would almost suppose that she had been born and bred in a palace and was the mistress of millions, instead of being only a common working-girl and dependent upon the skill of her own dainty fingers for her living.