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There would be a difficulty about the hunting, no doubt, but that Hampstead if necessary was prepared to abandon for the season. He thought that perhaps he might be able to run down twice a week to the Vale of Aylesbury, going across from Hendon to the Willesden Junction.

My companion thereupon slept, very soundly and rather audibly, from Rugby to Willesden, where, awakening with a start while the tickets were being collected, she first powdered her face by her fashion-glass and then interested herself afresh in my affairs. "Did you say, my dear, that you have no friends in London?" I repeated that I had none. "Then you will go to an hotel, I suppose?"

She hurried over her bath and dressing, and ran out to the music-room. Its walls had been hung with Willesden scrim gilded over; the curtains were silver-grey; there was a divan covered with silver-and-gold stuff, and a beaten brass fireplace.

He then entered into conversation with Nizza, and after a little time, proposed to her and Leonard to walk across the fields with him to Willesden, to visit his daughter's grave. "My wife will take charge of Amabel," he said; "you may safely trust her in her hands."

From that queer seesawing of his feelings, he fell asleep, dreamed of all things under the sun as men only can in a train, was awakened by the hollow silence in some station, slept again for hours, it seemed, and woke still at the same station, fell into a sound sleep at last that ended at Willesden in broad daylight.

And instantly we heard of concrete emplacements in this country at Willesden, Edinburgh, and elsewhere. We began to suspect every one who had a garage or a machine shop with a concrete foundation of being a German agent.

Trevelyan thanked him most cordially for the trouble he had taken in procuring for her the address at Willesden, and gave him some account of the journey which she and her mother had made to River's Cottage. He argued with both of them that the unfortunate man must now be regarded as being altogether out of his mind, and something was said as to the great wisdom and experience of Dr.

"Compactum" camp-bed with case, and fitted with sockets to take mosquito netting. Campaigning bedding-bag in Willesden canvas, with bedding complete. Waterproof sheet. Indiarubber bath. If shooting in the higher mountains is anticipated, a Wolseley sleeping-bag should be taken. Small stable-lantern. Rug or plaid light and warm. Half-a-dozen towels.

"Poor old Willesden!" Field had said as they talked it over; "it is hard that he should have been hit in the stomach, for he was a capital hand at taking care of it." "And of ours too, Field. He has been a first-rate caterer. I do hope he will pull through it."

The shutter was closed, and the Kaffirs told that on no account were they to open it or show their faces until the train had left the station. In a few minutes Willesden came up with the two natives heavily laden. As soon as the stores and natives were all safely packed away and the door of the van locked by one of the porters, the lads went out and had a hearty meal at an hotel near the station.