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Six loads in a morning was a fair record, for "Gadgerrie" was not often disinclined for a gossip on court matters, but although nothing was done while we were out-bush, the garden was gradually growing.

We must reflect that we have done our work, and that an attempt to galvanise ourselves into activity is sure to result in depression.

Such captains were Coligni and William the Third. We might, perhaps, add Marshal Soult to the list. The bravery of the Duke of Cumberland was such as distinguished him even among the princes of his brave house. The indifference with which he rode about amidst musket balls and cannon balls was not the highest proof of his fortitude.

They were true howlers, as they had already proved by the cries they had been uttering for the half-hour past. There are several species of howling monkeys, as we have already stated. Those that had arrived on the igaripé Guapo pronounced to be araguatoes.

The only article of barter my men had was a little fat saved from the ox we slaughtered at Katema's, so I was obliged to give them a portion of the stock of beads. The care with which he wrapped them up in a leaf and slung them on his spear told that we could not hope to enjoy any larger game.

We had not rowed off above a couple of hundred yards when a loud roar thundered over the sea, and the big brass gun sent a withering shower of grape point-blank into the midst of the living mass, through which a wide lane was cut; while a yell, the like of which I could not have imagined, burst from the miserable survivors as they fled to the woods.

We do want God in the Constitution; but not the God of any creed or ism, but of the great moral principles, the ethical philosophy taught by Jesus, the Christ. There is such a thing as being miserly of thoughts and ideas as well as of lucre. One is as foolish as the other. Circulation is necessary to health and comfortable living. Cast off the leading strings of other minds.

The mother looked at me with an anxious face. I arose, and we retired from the room together. Before leaving, I spoke encouragingly to my patient, and promised to see her early in the morning. "My daughter is very sick, Doctor. What is the disease?" The mother spoke calmly and firmly.

"That old fellow would follow me all round the grounds as meekly as a lamb, if he had the chance!" "We won't try him, thank you; he might meet a messenger-boy en route, and we should have to pay the damages.

On the return of day we recommenced our search for a practicable way down the mountain; and happily finding it, we at length reached one of the lower heights of the wide valley I have mentioned. I call it a valley, but it was rather a large basin, surrounded, as far as the eye could reach, by lofty mountains. "Now we are here, how are we ever to get out again?" I asked Manley.