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His delight when he found the child unfrightened looking out of the port was unbounded. That day Harold passed in unutterable gloom. The reaction was strong on him; and all his woe, his bitter remembrance of the past and his desolation for the future, were with him unceasingly. In the dusk of the evening he wandered out to his favourite spot, the cable-tank on top of the aft wheelhouse.

Bulls and other ferocious beasts think it waste of time to charge the fearless; they get no fun out of an unfrightened victim. He waited instead for Gerda, as she knew he would do. Kay followed Nan, still chanting his psalm. Gerda followed Kay.

Notice, too, the unfrightened calm of the bird itself, passive under the hand of its loving Creator. All these are features of the very highest power of human art. 'Again, in accompaniments, all is as it should be.

For the bird, when it alighted upon the shrub, was not over eight feet above Mona's eyes; and unless there was something decidedly wrong with the girl's vision, the bird had alighted upside down! There it clung, chirping flatly, moving its head from side to side and watching the two with bright, unfrightened eyes. But Mona was not much interested; she and Fort moved on.

Argentine beef boats we sighted too, of enormous capacity and unlovely outline. They, too, feed the northern health stations in icebound ports where submersibles dare not rise. Yellow-bellied ore-flats and Ungava petrol-tanks punted down leisurely out of the north, like strings of unfrightened wild duck.

It is a rare experience for a man to hold a tame and unstruggling and unfrightened bird in his hands; next to pressing a woman in his arms, it is the pleasantest tactile sensation he will ever experience, perhaps, in life. He will feel a desire to press it to his heart, if he has such a thing. Hannah would press Koko to his little brown stomach, as if in artless admission of where his heart lay.

"What is that red glow on the skyline over yonder?" "A burning, heavenborn!" "A burning? What burning? Funeral pyres? It's very big for funeral pyres!" "Nay, heavenborn!" "What, then?" She was still unfrightened, unsuspicious of the untoward. The Risaldar's arrival on the scene had quite restored her confidence and she felt content to ride with him to Jundhra on the morrow.

I could perceive the baleful gleam of his eyes, and noted with what quick aversion she shrank back until her shoulder pressed my own. "Yes, Geoffrey Benteen," she made immediate, resolute answer. "It will be mercy. I beg you strike." "You forgive the blow?" "Forgive!" An instant her clear eyes, unfrightened, looked directly into mine, a message in their depths I had never seen there before.

He checked himself, and turned back to stare wonderingly at the bird, which peered back at him with apparently unfrightened, beady eyes, turning its head to first one side and then the other, as though better to see all that was going on. "That's peculiar," His Highness said thoughtfully. "I never saw a bird act like that before. Hmmm, I wonder?... But no, that's absurd."

What we say, what we promise what we boast must tally with what we undertake, and at the least try, to do. You must keep your word to Jaimihr, Miss McClean!" She stared back at Cunningham through wide, unfrightened eyes. Whatever this man said to her, she seemed unable to feel fear while she had his attention. Her father seemed utterly bewildered, and she held his hand to reassure him.