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It seemed that in the beginning fortune played against this man of destiny, throwing all her tricks in favor of his opponents. The single time that he was away the attack bad been made, and if he would win back a lost battle there was great need to hurry. The Southern troops, exultant and full of fire and spirit, continually rolled back their adversaries.

At very nearly the same time, and at the point in the rebel front assailed by Meagher's brigade, another scene was presented, perhaps unexampled in the history of war. The evening being a hot one, most of the Irish boys had prepared themselves for the charge by throwing off knapsacks, coats, and even hats, so as to "fight asier."

At one time it was customary for a Jewish bridegroom to present his bride with a shoe at the conclusion of the wedding ceremony, this custom being not far removed from that of throwing an old shoe after a newly married couple for luck. Horn Work.

The son of the King of the Hole came to him and defied him to a contest of throwing the spear. If he lost he should be killed, if he won he should go back in safety. He won then the son of the King of the Hole said, 'It is strange you should have won, for I am a spirit.

He listened to them for a while in his favorite attitude, leaning against the mantelpiece, throwing in a word or two now and then as to how this or that part of the work might be mended or expanded. Then suddenly a kind of inspiration seemed to pass from them to him.

He actually did not take the trouble to try once more to ascertain the exact strength of the enemy. He had commissioned the Bishop of Forli to negotiate for him at Basel, and refused to credit the statement that the Swiss were throwing in their fortunes with René.

In another scene, which is opposite to the first, are painted many figures of men who are living in the forest in order to avoid the conversation of mankind; and these certain others are seeking to disturb, throwing stones at them, while some are plucking out their own eyes so as not to see. And in this scene, likewise, is painted the Emperor Charles V, portrayed from life, with this inscription

"Yes, the conscription is a thorn in your sensitive sides, because it claims you as the children and servants of your country, and forces you to draw your swords in her defence." "We have never refused our blood to the country," replied Count Palfy, proudly throwing back his head, "and if her rights are intact to-day, it is because we have defended and protected them.

You know it is not my business to speak and now the Count is gone, who can contradict it with any propriety? The thing is universally believed. Every body is talking of it, and the consequence is, Georgiana is more in fashion now than ever she was. There's a proposal I had for her this morning," said Mrs. Falconer, throwing a letter carelessly before the commissioner. "A proposal!

Ewart is a sad dog with the ladies, I'm afraid," he said in a reproving tone, glancing at me. "But if you'll make room for me, and give me a bit of your rug, I'll go on with you." "Of course, my dear friend," she exclaimed, rising, throwing off the rugs, and settling herself into the opposite corner, "you will come along with us to Monte Carlo. Are those lights over there, on the right, Nice?"