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But look you here," says he, "'leven months out o' the year she shall have all the vittles she likes to eat, and all the gownds she likes to git, and all the cumpny she likes to hev; but the last month o' the year she'll ha' to spin five skeins iv'ry day, an' if she doon't, I shall kill her." "All right," says the woman; for she thowt what a grand marriage that was.

"Unless Augustina teases me into something I don't want." Polly inquired if it would be in church. "In a Catholic church," said Laura with a shrug. "No flowers no music. They just let you be married that's all." Polly's-eyes jumped with amazement. "Why, I thowt they had everything so grand!" "Not if you will go and marry a heretic like me," said Laura. "Then they make you know your place."

Again that hollow stillness: no sound, no movement; only those two unwinking eyes fixed on him immovable. At length a small voice from the fireside broke the quiet. "Drunk the leetle swab!" Again a clammy silence, and a life-long pause. "I thowt yo' was sleepin'," said David, at length, lamely. "Ay, so ye said. 'Sleepin' it aff'; I heard ye."

"Well, you see, sir, we put some gun-cotton in a small canister, with a fuse cut to last fowr minutes, and hid it in one of the old workings the men had left; then they telt t' overseer they thowt t' water was coming in by quickly. He got there just in time; and what with t' explosion, fire-damp, and fallen coal, we never saw t' over-seer again." "Dear me," said Monckton, "and Mr.

Maybe the first shock was too rough, and in the wildness of her art ! That there blue water as she used to speak on. Could she have thowt o' that so many year, because it was to be her grave! He said this, musing, in a low, frightened voice; and walked across the little room.

I don't believe he'd ha' died but for that, because I nobbut give him but one hit. I thowt I'd better make mysel' scarce for a while, so I left Liverpool and went to Preston. Were you ever in Preston?" I said I was. "Well then, you'll remember Melling, the fish-monger, a varra big, fat man.

"Bumby the sun was goun down: 't was slow work feelun my way along, an' I did n' want to look about; but then agen I thowt God 'ad made it to be sid; an' so I come to, an' turned all round, an' looked; an' surely it seemed like another world, someway, 't was so beautiful, yellow, an' different sorts o' red, like the sky itself in a manner, an' flashun like glass.

But," said he, "to tell the truth, aa hev been for prayin' mesel ever since the bairn tuck bad, but then aa thowt it was cowardly to ask help when aa was in difficulties and nivvor at ony other time. So I didn't dee 't." Jenny interjected that at the risk of being led to join the Methodists, and throwing over all thought of joining in any more lawlessness, he must go to the village and ask Mr.

To this remark David had nothing at all to say, though in general he had a keen neighbourly relish for the misdeeds of the Wigsons. Reuben did not know what to make of him. However, a mile further on he made another attempt: 'Lord, how those Yorkshire breeders did talk! Yo'd ha thowt they'd throw their jaws off the hinges.

Nowt but tay, an sic-like." Mrs. Mason raised two gaunt hands and let them drop again on her knee. "I shud ha' thowt they'd ha' bin ashamed," she said. "Jenny's brass ull do 'em noa gude. She wor a fule to leave it to 'un." Daffady withdrew his pipe again. His lantern-jawed face, furrowed with slow thought, hung over the blaze. "Aye," he said, "aye.