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Now, then, look out! there's orders coming. The old Teaser's going to waggle her tail between her legs, and we're going back again. More waste of Her Majesty's coals." "If we don't lie-to till the tide turns," I said. "Oh, I say, you two look sharp and get quite well again; I didn't know that having wounds would make fellows so sour." "Who's sour.

Steam was got up, the Teaser's head swung round, and, after the lead had shown great depth and a muddy bottom, we began to glide steadily up with the tide.

He was an excellent officer, and had been in command of a steamer, though he had never before been in the navy. At three o'clock in the morning the fasts of the Teaser were cast off, and she backed away from the Bellevite. She was to proceed to a point about six miles to the eastward, which was beyond the camp of the "Pet Lambs." Here she was to look out for the Teaser's crew.

It seemed to be a long time before he spoke, and then it was between his teeth and with angry vehemence, as he dropped down into his seat. "After all this hard struggle to get back with our news," he muttered, in so low a tone that I only heard his words, while the men sat with their oars balanced gazing forward to see if they could make out the Teaser's funnel and tall spars.

By the time the Teaser's boats had picked up those of the wretches who wished to be saved, I had learned from Mr Brooke how, when the boat struck, he and the others had clung to her and been swept along through the channel, the fierce current carrying them round the point, and at last into comparative shelter, where finally they reached the shore right on the far side of the island.

The Teaser's course was altered directly, and, helped by a favouring breeze, we ran down rapidly towards the wreck, which proved to be sending up a thin column of smoke, and soon after this was visible from the deck. I was in a great state of excitement, and stood watching the vessel through my spyglass, longing for the distance to be got over and what promised to be a mystery examined.

Let the cowardly teaser reap the consequences of his own act; he must bear the burden of the critic, the expectation of perfection. Teasing him for his own shortcomings will sometimes cure him, but usually he loses his temper quickly. Make him feel the injustice of the teaser's method. If he is a bully he needs bullying. If ever corporal punishment is wise it is in such a case.

There was no reply; and as we at the same moment glided alongside, the question seemed to be echoed from the Teaser's side high above our heads. Still no reply, and the captain said sharply "Who is below there, Mr Reardon Mr Brooke?" "Ay, ay, sir," cried the latter. "How many men did you find they had lost?" "None, sir." "Brought all off safely?" "Yes, sir."

The nut struck a post within six inches of the teaser's head, and was literally smashed: had it struck where doubtless it was meant to do, it would certainly have proved as fatal as an eighteen-pound shot. So much for teasing elephants. We beat a speedy retreat, not choosing to risk a second shot. Djockdjocarta can hardly be called a town; yet it is more than a village.

"The principal of the malcontents on board of the Teaser was a man by the name of Lonley," Christy explained. "We left them at the point where the rest of the Teaser's crew were to join them. They are all anxious to get to sea in the Teaser, and I have no doubt they will come down to-night." "I should think they would," the captain assented.