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=Lotos-eaters=: the lotos is a date-like fruit, fabled by Homer in the "Odyssey" to be so delicious and possessed of such marvellous properties that those who once tasted it forgot home and friends and wished only to remain where they might continue to eat it forever. =Achæans=: inhabitants of Achaia, in the Peloponnesian peninsula. They were considered the best soldiers in Greece.

They soon came back With their hands full of ice-cream cones, which they distributed and returned for more. "Isn't this cream lovely!" beamed Leonora to the back seat of the third car. "Delicious!" responded Mrs. Albright. "As good as I ever tasted!" declared Miss Major. Miss Castlevaine nibbled hers for a moment longer before she spoke.

Claxon drew from the pipes a glass of water, which she proudly explained was pumped all over the house by the wind mill that supplied the power for her husband's turning lathes. "Well, I wish mah husband could have tasted that wata," said Mrs. Lander, as if reminded of husbands by the word, and by the action of putting down the glass. "He was always such a great hand for good, cold wata. My!

And those who bought his gold marked how rough and torn were the old man's fingers, the nails broken and blackened and forced away from the flesh. But Keeler and Cummins had seen through the rough exterior. They knew something of his charities. They had tasted his good cheer; for he kept a well-stocked larder.

"Yes, there was no sadness about it, or at least it had a special sadness of its own; you shall judge. On the eve of the day that the postulant was to take the habit, she was presented to the abbess of Bourbourg by the governor of the town. Bread and wine were offered to her, and she tasted them in the church itself.

It was the one unpardonable crime in Henson's decalogue, the one thing Merritt could not forgive. Henson's time was come. He did not need anyone to tell him that. Unless something in the nature of a miracle happened, he was a dead man in a few moments; and life had never seemed quite so sweet as it tasted at the present time. "You gave me away for no reason at all," Merritt went on.

And oh, how good the tea tasted, and the apple-pie and cream, and the bread and butter, all with the open-air flavour about them, which is better than any other.

"It was there that I passed my military youth. Have you ever eaten Indian bean-cake?" "I have tasted it." "And that was enough, eh? But I have lived on it for eight weeks in an Iroquois village. Yes, eight weeks bean-cake was the most horrible of my experiences, except when I saw the hand of an unfortunate Potawatomie turn up in an Abenaki broth-pot. Do you remember General Montcalm?"

I am always dreaming of Kukuanaland and Gagool and King Solomon's Mines. I can assure you I have become the victim of an almost unaccountable craving. I am sick of shooting pheasants and partridges, and want to have a go at some large game again. There, you know the feeling when one has once tasted brandy and water, milk becomes insipid to the palate.

The eunuchs introduced her into the chamber of their sick sovereign, when the old woman taking off the cover of the dish, such a grateful perfume exhaled from the contents as revived his spirits. Being informed what the venerable matron had brought, he thanked her and tasted the pottage, which was so agreeably flavoured that he ate part of it with an appetite to which he had been long a stranger.