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Garts, about face! Voryvarts, march!" With this he marched out and left us. For a moment the condemned looked stunned. They seemed to comprehend for the first time that it was really the determination of the Regulators to hang them. Before that they had evidently thought that the talk of hanging was merely bluff. One of them gasped out: "My God, men, you don't really mean to hang us up there!"

Throughout the early weeks of her widowhood Fay remained as one stunned. Even Magdalen, who hurried out to her, supposed at first that she was stunned by grief. "Then Andrea knew all the time." That was the constant refrain of her bewildered, half-paralysed mind. Gradually in the quiet monotonous life at Priesthope the question made itself felt. "How did he know?"

The ludicrous horror of it stunned Mr. Woods. He could no more have told her of her mistake than he could have struck her in the face. "Kathleen !" said he, vaguely. "Let me think! ah, let me think, Billy!" she pleaded, in a flutter of joy and amazement. "Go away, boy dear! Go away for a little and let me think!

'Now aren't you glad you didn't go to the circus? They rang the front-door bell; when White opened it, they stunned him with a sand-bag. Then Bones held up a large hand. 'Wait! I waited. 'Who is White? 'The butler. 'I will take his statement. Fetch the butler. Johnson trotted off obediently. Left alone with me, Bones became friendlier and less official.

I had a companion in the darkness, one who was nearly as much stunned as I, for he moved no more, but lay holding on by my left hand, and for a time I was content to listen to the savage roar of the wind. But at last, as my brain worked and I mastered the sensation of horror, I began to feel about again with my right hand, till I touched the same cold, wet object I had encountered before.

The Greek pulled it from the man, struck him on the mouth, and brought blood to his lips; then he threw sand into the canal again. The slave, stunned by the blow, lost courage and fell to imploring. "Lord," said he, "I dug this canal alone for ten years, in the night time and during festivals!

Don John smiled a little as he went on. "There were sharp words," he said, "and being men, steel was soon out, and I received this scratch here a mere nothing. But as chance would have it I fell backward and was so stunned that I seemed dead.

Neforis, who since the fearful hour of her husband's death had seemed stunned and indifferent to all the claims of daily life, living only in her memories of the departed, had been more than willing to leave to the physician the disposal of these two and their removal from her house.

He fired; I heard a slight hissing, and a creature fell stunned at some distance from us. It was a magnificent sea-otter, an enhydrus, the only exclusively marine quadruped. This otter was five feet long, and must have been very valuable.

"Yes; there were times, perhaps, when I was a trifle stunned by all that grand calm beauty, the silence, the solitude, the awfulness of it all; but I have hardly tune to feel the thrill when I came bump up against a party of tourists, English or American, all talking the same twaddle, and all patronising the scenery.