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Just then the foreyard came surging up, and I thought would strike him. "Give me your hand!" I shrieked out. I caught it barely in time. Stretcher leaned through a port, and we got Dicky in at the moment that the yard came thundering against the side, almost grazing his foot. All this was but the work of a second.

The four stretcher men set down their burden in the shade of the bunkhouse. Renfrew was conscious now. "Tough luck, Jim," Benton sympathized. "Does it pain much?" Renfrew shook his head. White and weakened from shock and loss of blood, nevertheless he bravely disclaimed pain. "We'll get you fixed up at the Springs," Benton went on.

They are not going to operate? Too late? I see. Very well. Send the patient up to No. 16. Everything is ready." Even as she spoke the complaining creak of the elevator could he heard, and presently two orderlies appeared at the end of the corridor bearing a stretcher. Beside it, with head erect and jaw set, strode a strangely commanding figure.

The machine gunner and his squad aim to put as many of the advancing, retreating, or standing enemy out of the fighting as possible, and to save themselves. The truck men hasten up with loads of ammunition, fortunate if they are not sent to their death in the drive. The stretcher bearers look for the wounded and hasten back with them.

Ordering him to be carried away the doctor, after a word with the Indian officers, entered the barrack-room. It was useless. Ashraf Khan had just died. The crowd fell back in a wide circle to let the two hospital orderlies bring up the stretcher for Wargrave and, as they did, left a group of men standing isolated in the centre.

Her ironing stayed, for that afternoon at least, where it was, because her husband, with his head in a pulp and his legs bent underneath him, was brought in on a stretcher, attended by two policemen. He had fallen from a piece of scaffolding into Piccadilly Circus, and was unable to afford any further assistance to the improvements demanded by the Pavilion Music Hall. Mrs.

It was about eleven o'clock, I suppose, when the "padré" came up again to my stretcher and asked me if I should like to get on, as there was a berth vacant in an ambulance. The stretcher was hoisted up and slid into the bottom berth of the car. The berth above was occupied by an unconscious man.

It was a long age anyhow; although, in reality, little more than an hour a wild, wind-ridden, fire-painted hour before three haggard men came stumbling up the trail. Two carried a stretcher between them. One had a bag in his hand.

I pulled myself up on the table and started to bind up my leg, when along came one of our crew, Benson; he had bayoneted the man who was throwing bombs, and had come into the dugout by the other entrance. He helped me fix myself up and along came one of our own stretcher bearers. We called to him and he told us that the old 28th had come to our rescue and had chased the Germans out of the trench.

Smith submitted to the surgical dressing without a murmur, and was laid out on a stretcher to await the ambulance. Finally it came. "Here, take Smith," ordered the M.O. "No, never mind me, Doctor," said Smith, "jist tak the ither men, I'll be walking." "Do as you are told," commanded the M.O. "Now Doctor, jist pit the ither boys in; they're worse nor me, I'll walk."