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IT will be recalled that during these incidents Monteith Sterry and Fred Whitney were sitting at the front of the long, low building, which was the home of the latter, discussing the incidents of the last day or two, as well as the matter of Whitney removing, with his family, to the East, in order to prevent any addition to the affliction they had just suffered.

But a certain chivalry rules among such people, and after the greeting of Sterry to Vesey there was little danger of the latter taking unfair advantage of it. "This is bad business," remarked the younger, pointing to the figure on the ground. A hard look crossed the face of the rustler and his thin lips compressed as he shook his head. "Yes, that's what's left of Jack Perkins; he was my pard."

Hardly able to credit the fact, Budd picked his way to the building, knocked, and was admitted. There the amazing truth was made known. Capt. Ira Inman and all his men had been gone for an hour, and were probably miles distant at that moment. The detention of Duke Vesey as a hostage for the safety of Monteith Sterry proved the key to the whole situation.

I bought some three or four of his novels. I found them pretty, very pretty, but nothing more, a sort of Ashby Sterry done into very neat prose.

They continued the pursuit, however, being a number of rods to the rear and in plain sight of the fugitives, who looked back, while speeding forward with undiminished swiftness. But the couple could not continue their flight, knowing nothing of the missing one. The wolves were between them and her, and Monteith Sterry had fired the last shot in his revolver.

Pretty Jennie's face took on a contemptuous expression. "Not a bit more; we shall be only fairly started when we must turn back." "Well, where do you want to go, sister?" "We shouldn't think of stopping until we reach Wolf Glen." "And may I inquire the distance to that spot?" asked Sterry again. "Barely five miles beyond Wild Man's Creek," said she.

"If you will say that Mont Sterry is not in there, we'll go away without disturbing any one; we'll take your word." "I recognize no right of yours to question me," was the scornful reply of Fred Whitney. "Boys," said Cadmus, turning again to his companions, "that's only another way of owning up that the coward is hiding here, afraid to meet us; he's our game."

I daresay you enjoy it, but what worries me is how you are going to live? DR. JONATHAN. By practising your cardinal virtue, thrift. ASHER. I've got a proposal to make to you part of a scheme I've been turning over in my mind for the last six months and when George's letter came I decided to put it through. I went to New York and had Sterry, a corporation lawyer, draw it up.

But Monteith Sterry had noted a fact which escaped the captain, though he was an observant man. Fortunately he caught sight of the couple, and though he could not be assured of their identity at so great a distance, the suspicion of the truth as to Capt. Asbury caused him to put his animal to his best speed. In a brief time he rode up.

It was an ideal skating rink, and the particular overflow of spirits on that evening was due to the agreement that it was to be devoted to the exhilarating amusement. "We will leave the house at 8 o'clock," said Fred at the supper table, "and skate to the mouth of Wild Man's Creek and back." "How far is that?" inquired Monteith Sterry. "About ten miles."