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Oh, I can hear him spoutin' away about me ... he got into parliament soon after that, an' used to denounce landlords an' blether away about progress. An' I daresay everybody that listens to him thinks I'm a stupid fellow, standin' in the way of everything.

Many a boy's first act of chivalry was to take the girl's place under the hoop that kept the cans apart and carry home the supply of water. Half a century after the incident that played havoc with the dreams and visions of which she was the central figure, Anna said to me: "I was fillin' my cans at th' well. He was standin' there lukin' at me. "'Wud ye mind, says he, 'if I helped ye?

But, the Lord be good to me sorra a syllable of the sinse come back. And be that I well knew it was all up wid me; and I was thinkin' me father's son had no business to be standin' there makin' a show of meself in the middle of Trinity College.

I see them plodding light-heartedly through the mud as they did on that gray September day, their faces wet with the rain, "an' a bloke standin' by the side of the road would think they was a-go'n' to a Sunday-school picnic." The sergeant was in a talkative mood. "Lissen to them guns barkin'! We're in for it this time, straight!" Then, turning to the men behind,

"But you don't think " Hesden began. "Think? Damn it, I know!" broke in Jackson. "They said if I would quit standin' up for the niggers, they'd let me off, even after they'd got me stripped and hung up. I wouldn't do it! I didn't believe then they'd cut me up this way; but they did!

The remainder came out when he held up his head, and six feet seven he was upon the door-sills. I took his measure in chalk standin' on a chair. And next to him, but a proportionately made man, ruddy and of a fair countenance, was Jock Coan that they called the Fir Cone. He was but six feet five, and a child beside Lammitter and Vowle.

In the other rooms there was women standin' on clouds, and there was children with wings on and nothin' else; but everybody give them things the complete go-by. Yes, sir, let me tell you, Melissa Crabb, all those folks was once just country folks like you and me.

"Well, that'll come in awful handy at dances. We'd have 'em real often in the winter if it wasn't such a job to git music. Well, I got too much to do to be standin' here talkin'. I have to keep right after that breed girl all the time, or she won't do nothing. I'll git my old man after your fellow right away. Jest make yourself to home, and anything you want ask for it in the kitchen."

"'Member the beautiful lady, ridin' on a horse, and standin' on one foot?" "Yes!" the others cried, breathlessly. "Well," said Ellen slowly and solemnly, "when I get to be a big girl, that's what I'm going to be. I'm tired of catechism, and church, and those long blessings father asks, but most of catechism, so I'm going to run away, and be a circus."

"'Well, my friend, says I, 'it's my sad duty to inform you that you've made a mistake. 'How's that? he says. 'Go on, I says; 'you're standin' on your foot. And, honest to God, Saxon, that gink looks down at his feet to see. 'I don't understand, says he. 'We're goin' to show you, says I. "An' then Biff! Bang! Bingo! Swat! Zooie! Ker-slambango-blam!