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'My poor Countess, she said, 'she has been sorely used, and has suffered much. It is a piteous thing when our little imperial fiefs go to the spindle side! 'What are her lands? asked Malcolm. 'Hainault, Holland, and Zealand, replied the lady. 'Her father was Count of Hainault, her mother the sister of the last Duke of Burgundy him that was slain on the bridge of Montereau.

In addition to all these new rooms, we had thus gained an extra protection for our house. While this work was in progress, our instrument-maker had his hands full; the clockwork mechanism of the thermograph had gone wrong: the spindle was broken, I believe. This was particularly annoying, because this thermograph had been working so well in low temperatures.

There is no jar in the working of the parts; the feathers move noiselessly in their grooves; the governor rod moves up and down through the spindle and the hubs D and D', and can be regulated by hand to give any required opening of the steam ports to suit the work to be done.

Before the Busy Man could grab a Spindle and defend himself, he was looking at a half-tone Photo of Aristotle and listening to all the different Reasons why the Work should be in every Gentleman's Library. Then the Agent whispered the Inside Price to him so that the Stenographer would not hear and began to fill out a Blank. The Man summoned all his Strength and made a Buck.

He bids them to keep their gearings clean, to be clear and definite in their orders, and to read the trade papers; but above everything else to look out for the little things, a little leak in the mill dam, a little too much tightness in a belt, or the idleness of just one spindle. Herein lies, he says, one of the great differences between a successful and an unsuccessful superintendent.

Her arms, thin, spindle shaped, like those of very young girls, were encircled with a kind of metal ornament, and bracelets of glass beads; her hair was twisted into little cords; on her breast hung a green paste idol, identified by her whip of seven lashes as Isis, guide of souls a golden ornament shone on her forehead, and slight traces of rouge were visible on the coppery tints of her cheeks.

The spindle turns loosely in the footstep, e, the oil chamber being carried up to the middle of its height. The wharf is placed in the same position as in the previous case, having also a sleeve running in the oil chamber, c, upon a steel ring, z.

One evening Fru Astrida sat in her tall chair in the chimney corner, her distaff, with its load of flax in her hand, while she twisted and drew out the thread, and her spindle danced on the floor.

The pair walked around the altar hand in hand, received the congratulations of their friends, and the bride, taken with apparent force from the arms of her mother, as the Sabine women were taken in the days of Romulus, was conducted to her new home carrying a distaff and a spindle, emblems of the industry that was thought necessary in the household work that she was to perform or direct.

As this guide spindle is always liable to be clogged with the muddy deposit from the boiling water, which yields a very adhesive encrustation, the result is a very riskful tendency to impede the free action of the Safety Valve, and thereby prevent its serving its purpose.