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"She does not take on so violently as I have seen some do," said Jerningham; "but for a strong, firm, concentrated indignation, I have seen none to match her." "Well, we will permit her to cool. I will not face the affliction of a second fair one immediately. I am tired of snivelling, and swelled eyes, and blubbered cheeks for some time; and, moreover, must husband my powers of consolation.

"Did you not bring one, my lord?" "Your Grace Your Grace," began the bishop, apologetically. "Do you think I am a snivelling scrivener, carrying quill and ink-well in my gown?" asked the duke. "Go to your parlor and fetch ink and quill," said Charles, pointing with the folded missive toward Yolanda. "A page will fetch the quill and ink, my lord," suggested the duchess.

The gush of tobacco came from the shop downstairs, and the soapy arm proceeded from the body of a servant-girl, who being then and there engaged in cleaning the stars had just drawn it out of a warm pail to take in a letter, which letter she now held in her hand, proclaiming aloud with that quick perception of surnames peculiar to her class that it was for Mister Snivelling.

But, in the mane time, the devil a one o' me sees the joke your honor speaks of." "Why, then, do you ask me where I am, when you know I'm astray, that we're both astray, you snivelling old whelp? By the great and good King William, I'll be lost, Andy!"

Telephone from the station; I don't want the club servants to gossip any more than is necessary. Do you mind doing it?" "Of course not," said Duane. He glanced at the miserable, snivelling, twitching creature by the fire: "Do you think he'll get over this, or will he buy another pistol the next time he gets the jumps?" Grandcourt looked troubled: "I don't know what this breed is likely to do.

"I'll never sit down in your house again! What do you think I am? A snivelling, cringing dog that has to lick your hand for—" "Now, now!" admonished the old man, without anger. "If you will not sit down, at least be kind enough to stand still. I can't understand half you say while you are stamping around like that. This isn't a china shop. Control yourself.

"My uncle failing to make any impression upon him, the governor ventured to add a few words of exhortation, upon which the man turned fiercely on the whole of them. "'Go to hell, he cried, 'with your snivelling jaw. Who are you, to preach at me? You're glad enough I'm here all of you. Why, I'm the only one of you as ain't going to make a bit over this job.

Big Jack went through the formality of counting, though it was patent to all that the fighting was done. Afterward he turned to Sam and shook his hand. "I didn't think you had it in you," he said. This was sweet to Sam. Joe raised himself, snivelling, and commenced to revile Sam. "Aw, shut up!" cried Big Jack, with strong disgust. "You're licked!" Joe got to his feet. "Only by trickery!" he cried.

I saw one when I left England at twelve years old, and it's blazed in my brain like a bonfire ever since. I came back to the old country only last year, and I find the thing's extinct. Nothing but a lot of snivelling fairy plays. I want a hot poker and a policeman made into sausages, and they give me princesses moralising by moonlight, Blue Birds, or something.

This sacrificing the strong to the weak a snivelling sentimentality." The man he spoke to glanced at him curiously it was not usual for Robert Stonehouse to speak to anyone and said something about the medical profession and the sanctity of life. Robert laughed. He argued it over with himself. It was true. For that matter Howard and Gertie and Connie would all be better dead.