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He was carried to the chamber that he shared with Griffeth, and there he lay for several days and nights in a dreamy, semi-conscious state, tended by his mother with all the skill and tenderness she possessed, and, save when the pain of his wounds made him restless and feverish, sleeping much, and troubling his head little about what went on within or without the castle.

Tommy, in a semi-conscious way, had looked to Clare to supply the strength and the innocent look, while he supplied the head and the lively fingers; and here was Clare knocking the lovely plan to pieces! He did well to be angry!

Now you understand why the lonely Soul hurls itself wildly from one phase of existence to another till it finds its true mate!" he answered "You say truly that where there is no love there is no real life. It is merely a semi-conscious existence. But you have no cause to grieve not now, not if you are firm and faithful.

At this height he flew, in a semi-conscious condition, twelve miles over enemy country and crossed the lines with his bus scarcely touched by the dozens of machine-guns trained on it. One of our pilots lost most of his rudder, but managed to get back by juggling with his elevator and ailerons.

Somehow that murmur as of water in the night made Winifred think of a face, one which, as far as she could remember, she had never consciously seen a man's face, brown, hard, and menacing, which had looked once into her eyes in some state of semi-conscious being, and then had vanished.

He and Drene consulted over these for a while, semi-conscious of Quair's bantering voice and the girl's easily provoked laughter behind them. And, finally: "All right, Guilder," said Drene briefly. And the firm of celebrated architects prepared to evacuate the studio Quair exhibiting symptoms of incipient skylarking, in which he was said to be at his best.

It is yet inexplicable to me how he could have conducted me so safely in such a semi-conscious state; and had he not been the only one, I should certainly not have trusted myself to his guidance. Of the want of cleanliness of the Icelanders, no one who has not witnessed it can have any idea; and if I attempted to describe some of their nauseous habits, I might fill volumes.

They made the rounds of the spacer, checking on each of the semi-conscious men. Ali had ready the artificial oxgy tanks they must move fast once they began the actual task of clearing and restocking the hydro. "Hope you have a good story ready," he commented as the other three joined him by the hatch to don the suits which would enable them to cross the airless, heatless surface of the asteroid.

"Singly, in pairs, or the whole damned pack!" "Mr. Cardigan!" He turned. Colonel Pennington's breath had been knocked out of his body by the impact of his semi-conscious woods-boss, and he lay inert, gasping like a hooked fish. Beside him Shirley Sumner was kneeling, her hands clasping her uncle's, but with her violet eyes blazing fiercely on Bryce Cardigan. "How dare you?" she cried. "You coward!

I suppose it is true that these differentiations were at first only semi-conscious, but nevertheless they were real differentiations and had large influence upon the development of man.