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Satterlee, however, smiled enthusiastically at everything and everybody and succeeded in conveying the impression that she was breathlessly interested in events. "Er is he going to hit the ball?" asked Mr. Satterlee in a heroic endeavor to rise to the requirements of the occasion. "He's going to try," answered his youngest son with a smile.

"Er Cynthy," he said presently, "hain't fond of that Painter-man, be you?" "Why, yes," said Cynthia, "aren't you?" "He's fond of you," said Jethro, "sh-shouldn't be surprised if he was in love with you." Cynthia looked up at him, the corners of her mouth twitching, and then she laughed. The Rev. Mr. Satterlee, writing his Sunday sermon in his study, heard her and laid down his pen to listen.

Satterlee had come himself; but she could not have borne to be there without Jethro. Nor would she go to Boston, though urged by Miss Lucretia; and Mrs. Merrill and the girls had implored her to join them at a seaside place on the Cape.

And after somewhat less of argument and somewhat more of siege and shooting, a compromise was reached whereby the company bought annually at an exorbitant price all of Duke, Satterlee, and Vance Morgan's hay, and as the Morgans had small rivers of water in the mountains, and never, except when crowded, drank water, a modus vivendi was arranged between the claimants.

"Who's going to win?" asked Tom anxiously. "You can search me!" answered Satterlee, 2d, cheerfully. "Durham's lost only two games this season, one to St. Eustace and one to us. And we've lost only the first game with Durham. There you are, Tommy; you can figure it out for yourself. But we won last year and it's safe to say Durham's going to work like thunder to win this. What time is it?"

Satterlee had mentioned his pupil to the judge, whose mind had immediately flown to her when the vacancy occurred. So it all came about. "And now," said Mr. Satterlee, "what will you do, Cynthia? We've got the good part of a day to arrange where you will live, before the stage returns."

I guess he and Don are trying to find some way out of the hole they're in. If anyone can do it he can, can't he?" Thus appealed to, Satterlee, 2d, came out of his reverie. "Yes, I guess so. I wish he was pitching, that's all I wish! I'll bet Carpenter wouldn't make any more of those hits of his!" Willard's third out came and once more the teams changed places.

I was wasting time in Boston, and I I was not happy so far away from you all from Uncle Jethro. Mr. Satterlee, I am going to teach school. I have always wanted to, and now I have made up my mind to do it." This was Jethro's punishment. But had she not lightened it for him a little by choosing this way of telling him that she could not eat his bread or partake of his bounty?

Satterlee was as good as his word, for he was seated in the stage when it drew up at the tannery house, ready to go to Brampton. And as they drove away Cynthia took one last look at Jethro standing on the porch.

"And, Mr. Satterlee, I am so grateful to you," said Cynthia, when they were in the street once more. "My dear Cynthia, I did nothing," answered the minister, quite bewildered by the quick turn affairs had taken; "it is your own good reputation that got you the place." Nevertheless Mr. Satterlee had done his share in the matter. He had known Mr.