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General Eyre had an order given him to make a feint at the head of the creek if we were successful at the Redan; however, at five o'clock, when we had failed at the Redan, we heard a very sharp attack on the head of the creek. The 44th and other regiments advanced, drove the Russians out of a rifle-pit they held near the cemetery, and entered some houses there.

The Russians were pouring into Germany in their millions. The Cossacks were already around Posen. Nobody quite knew where Posen was, but it sounded deliciously like Potsdam. Anyway, they would be there in a month.

Our orders, issued by Sir Colin Campbell, were to remain quiet, and, above all things, to keep our rifles and ammunition dry. At about eleven at night a shot was fired by one of the enemy's sentinels, which whistled close to us. "Stand to your arms," was the cry, "the Russians are upon us." At the same time our whole line of sentinels opened a brisk fire on, it was supposed, the advancing enemy.

Probably they will insist on the junction of Persia in the attack on Turkey, as the only satisfaction they can accept. It is just possible that the example once given, and the people despairing of pardon, a rising against the Russians may take place, and something of a national feeling arise in Persia. But I fear this will not be the case. I suppose our Minister was at Tabriz. April 15.

Ha, ha! ... Where were we when Christ walked on this earth? Do you see? And you too, you are lying.... Do you think that all die out? The Russian people will never disappear.... You are lying.... It has been written in the Bible, only it is not known what name the Russians are given. Do you see what kind of people they are? They are numberless.... How many villages are there on the earth?

The Japanese fleet, on the other hand, until they had established their base, were forced to remain under way at sea, and to accept action at the will of the Russians; so that, although Port Arthur was besieged, the advantages of the offensive, to some extent, resided with the Russians.

Averse, therefore, to any treaty, this governor foresaw that in the populous capital, which the Russians themselves style the oracle, the example of the whole empire, Napoleon would have recourse to the weapon of revolution, the only one that would be left him to accomplish his purpose.

It seems there must be a Bill of Indemnity for not taking the declaration, two Bishops, Chester and Oxford, not having taken it. The Duke finds he has at Dover, as Lord Warden. We had some little conversation about the income tax, which the Duke is very hostile to, and I am glad we shall not have it. March 11. The Russians have at last sent their reply to our expostulatory note.

The silence of Alexander leaves room to doubt whether he approved this dreadful determination or not. What part he took in the catastrophe is still a mystery to the Russians: either they are ignorant on the subject, or they make a secret of the matter: the effect of despotism, which enjoins ignorance or silence.

As for Mariquita, she had alternated between blithe joyousness and plaintive, despairing sorrow. "I shall never see you again, Stanislas," she went on repeating, when the last mood was on her. "Nonsense! I have come out harmless so far; I shall do so to the end. The Russians can't hurt me." "But you have other enemies, dearest pitiless, vindictive, and implacable." "Whom do you mean? Benito?"