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He, however, carried his gun, and in summer a fishing rod, that he might supply himself with provisions by the way. His gun also he required for defence against any wolves or bears he might encounter, both of which were at that time common in the country, though long since driven off to the wilder regions of the far west and north.

Thus does a large fish which has just been hooked, but has not yet been drawn out, swim along the bottom of a deep river under the very boat wherein sits the fisherman with his stout rod in hand.

I tried to pull up because they were too thick to crash through; but the fish willed it otherwise. The line was getting low on the reel; the rod bent double; presently I had to straighten it out in another moment I was in the water over the boots, which filled of course in a moment. But this did not impede me as long as I was in deep water.

I've got it, too," Wally gasped, tugging at his line. "You've got it, right enough," Jim said. "Why, your rod's bending right over. Want a hand?" "No, thanks manage it myself," said the fisherman, tugging manfully. "Here she comes!" The line came in faster now, and the strain on the rod was plain. Excitement ran high. "It's a great big perch, I do believe," Norah exclaimed.

When all was ready, the angel enjoined him to set the loaves and the flesh, but without the vessels, upon the rock; which when they had done, he touched the flesh with the rod which he had in his hand, which, upon the breaking out of a flame, was consumed, together with the loaves; and the angel ascended openly, in their sight, up to heaven, by means of the smoke, as by a vehicle.

Rod suggested. "H'm, I guess that won't make any difference. Anyway, we must be prepared, as our motto says. We've got to git more money, that's certain, and how are we to do it?" There was silence for a few minutes, as the scouts well knew from past experience how hard it was to think of any plan to raise money quickly.

It was on a glorious autumn afternoon that Wabi's keen eyes first descried the log buildings of the Post snuggled in the edge of the seemingly unending forest. As they approached he joyfully pointed out the different buildings to Rod the Company store, the little cluster of employees' homes and the factor's house, where Rod was to meet his welcome.

"Look here, young fellow! what are you about?" he shouted, stepping threateningly toward Rod. "We are about chasing the train robber, who has just gone off with that engine on number four track, and you want to keep up the best head of steam you know how," was the answer. "Have we any orders to do so?" "You have, at any rate, for I give them to you." "And who are you?

Pour about three fourths of the sodium carbonate into the crucible, place the latter on a piece of clean, glazed paper, and thoroughly mix the substance and the flux by carefully stirring for several minutes with a dry glass rod, the end of which has been recently heated and rounded in a flame and slowly cooled.

We had excellent fresh salmon at breakfast, which reminded me of the doubt that has often been expressed of the true salmon being found in an inland sea. The Caspian fish is a genuine salmon of the same habits as the marine species known in Europe, with the one sad exception that it will not look at nor touch fly or bait in any form or shape, and therefore gives no sport for the rod.