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He scientifically pokes him in the flank, and spans him across the back, and pronounces EX CATHEDRA "You'll find, sir, there won't be a finer fish, take him all in all, killed in the parish this season." "Ah, it's a noble sport," says the Major. "I shan't get much more of it, I'm afraid." "Why shouldn't you?" "Well, I'll tell you," says the Major. "Do you know how much property I have got?"

Is her husband living?" "I shall call by appointment to-morrow, but this is the first time I have seen her. Of her history I know nothing, but rumour pronounces her a widow." "Which generally means that these pretty actresses have drunken, worthless husbands, paid comfortable salaries to shut their eyes and keep out of the way," added Mrs.

He urges her to fly with him, but she declares it impossible, and giving him a commission in the army signed by the King, urges him to go to the wars and win honors for her sake. In the second act Balthasar, in the name of the pontiff, visits their retreat and pronounces the papal anathema upon the guilty pair.

Anne expanded like a flower under this wholesome influence and carried home to the admiring Matthew and the critical Marilla glowing accounts of schoolwork and aims. "I love Miss Stacy with my whole heart, Marilla. She is so ladylike and she has such a sweet voice. When she pronounces my name I feel INSTINCTIVELY that she's spelling it with an E. We had recitations this afternoon.

Think what those hands ought to be which perform such a ministry; what that tongue which pronounces those words." No sanctity or purity of soul, then, is beyond the aspirations of one whose heaven-born privilege it is to enter the Holy of Holies, to dispense the mysteries of faith, and exercise the "ministry of reconciliation." A most important function of the ministry is the care of souls.

Such as he pronounces in a dying state I shall have sent ashore; the rest will be provided with everything needful, and remain aboard." At this announcement, we gazed strangely at each other, anxious to see who it was that looked like dying, and pretty nearly deciding to stay aboard and get well, rather than go ashore and be buried.

"Enrica!" she starts back as Nobili pronounces her name, yet he speaks so softly the sound comes to her almost like a sigh "Enrica, do not fear me. I will say no word to offend you. I cannot go without asking your pardon. As one who loved you once as one who loves " He stops. What is he saying? "I humbly beseech you to forgive me. Enrica, let me hear you say that you forgive me."

Talking of the venerable German Sanskritist's chronology, I cannot resist the desire to show, be it only to Russia, on what a fragile basis are founded his scientific discussions, and how little he is to be trusted when he pronounces upon the antiquity of this or that manuscript.

Indeed it is a subject both of surprise and sorrow to see an author of the most menial abilities lauded to the skies for a book still more abject than himself, a book teeming with error and immorality; while, very often, a discourse, a sermon or an instruction, whatever may be the authority that they receive either from the character of the person who pronounces them, or from the gravity of the circumstances in which he speaks, are heard with indifference.

This, in the other's opinion, is an absolute Alcaeus; and the other, in his, a very Callimachus. He looks upon Tully as nothing to the other, and the other again pronounces him more learned than Plato.