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All I wanted was Barbie's happiness, an' I was goin' to give it to her full measure an' nairy a whimper: but if it could just have been my home-comin' instead of what I was goin' to do, that would light up her world for her, I reckon I could have FLOWN all the way back to the Diamond Dot. I turned a corner an' came face to face on Piker.

If you're innocent the sheriff'll let you off to-morrer; but, innocent or guilty, by Gosh, you're comin' with us to-night. Hold up yer hands! Quick!" Ransom and Smoky held up their hands. "Search 'em," commanded the 'Piker. This was done effectively. A Derringer doesn't take up much room in a man's pocket, but it has been known to turn the tables upon larger weapons.

"I've found out one thing," he said. "He's used to houses like this. Every now and again he lets something out quite natural. He knew that the furniture in his room was Jacobean that's what he called it and he knew it was fine stuff. He wouldn't have known that if he'd been a piker. I'm going to try if he won't let out something else when he sees things here if he'll come."

Tom got up, stretching his arms high above his head, which was very bad manners, but showed how supple he still was, and how well-muscled. "No one ever called me a piker and let me hear about it. Sure, we'll build a schoolhouse for 'em, seeing they're too cussed stingy to build one themselves.

Winter's here with a double-edged saber wind out of the north and snow on the ground. It gives a zip to things. It makes our snug little shack seem as cozy as a ship's cabin. And I've got a jumper-sleigh, and with my coon-skin coat and gauntlets and wedge-cap I can be as warm as toast in any wind. And there's so much to do. And I'm not going to be a piker.

She offered to give us back our two dollars per, but of course nobody was piker enough to take her up on it. We went ahead and had the dance with harmonicas and a fiddle, and made out all right. Looks to me like the schoolma'am's all to the good. She's got the dance money " It was of no use. Lance found he could not listen to that man talking about Mary Hope.

But the instant they reached the school gates the line dissolved and Judith was surrounded by an excited mob. "Oh, go on, tell us, Judy." "Whatever were you doing on the platform?" "Who is he, anyway?" "Don't be a piker! Tell us, Judy." "Fancy Miss Meredith whisking him off like that." "Is he really Miss Ashwell's?" But Judith, though triumphant, was loyally discreet.

"Why not come through," he asked at last, "and acknowledge that he held it out on you?" Virginia started and then she smiled wanly. "No," she said, "it wasn't quite that. And yet well, he didn't really give it to me." "I knew it!" exploded Wiley, "the doggoned piker! But of course you made a clean-up on your other stock?" "No, I didn't! I gave that away, too! But Wiley, why won't you listen to me?

However, I can't resist this opportunity to put a nick in the Ricks bank roll." Gurney snickered. "Alden," he declared, "you'll bleed for a month of Sundays. Really, this is too easy! For old sake's sake, I'll give you a chance to withdraw before it is too late." "Let the tail go with the hide, Joe. I don't often bet, but when I do I'm no piker.

No, I ain't tellin' what I paid. Not to anybody. But after sayin' what I had I couldn't back out without feelin' like a piker. And when Joe says confidential how he's knockin' off ten at that I writes out the check more or less cheerful. "Ought to be good blood in him, at that figure," I suggests. "Heem!" says Joe. "He got pedigree long lak your arm.