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At nine in the forenoon we were obliged to anchor in the outer part of Matavai Bay, in thirteen fathoms, being prevented by light variable winds from placing the ship in a proper berth. In this station the west part of One-tree hill bore south by east half east one mile distant. This passage of fifty-two days from Van Diemen's Land may be rated as moderate sailing.

Ain't there no more Californians?" By this time we are drawing near to the appointed spot. I mount upon the bridge, the observed of all observers. "Captain," I say, in clear, emphatic tones, heard far and wide, "the majority of the company appear to be in favour of the little cove beyond One-Tree Point." "All right, Mr. Dodd," responds the captain heartily; "all one to me.

Early in the morning, before the natives began to flock off to us, we weighed anchor to work farther into the bay, and moored at about a quarter of a mile distance from the shore; Point Venus bearing north 16 degrees east; the west part of One-tree hill south-west by south; and the point of the reef north 37 degrees west; the ship lying in seven fathoms water.

Privet makes the last and least esteemed of these "one-tree" hedges. Yet it is the most tractable of all hedge material, and was almost invariably used to form the intricate "mazes," once a favourite toy of the layers-out of stately gardens. Keeping these hedges in good repair and properly clipped and trimmed is one of the minor difficulties of the country.

'Where did you tell the boy to meet us with the snack, Martin? inquired Wardle. 'Side of One-tree Hill, at twelve o'clock, Sir. 'That's not Sir Geoffrey's land, is it? 'No, Sir; but it's close by it. It's Captain Boldwig's land; but there'll be nobody to interrupt us, and there's a fine bit of turf there. 'Very well, said old Wardle. 'Now the sooner we're off the better.

Guy and Walter at the unshuttered window we had a habit of never hiding our home-light were looking at the moon, and laying bets, sotto voce, upon how many minutes she would be in climbing over the oak on the top of One-tree Hill.

John did his best to help, but finally the mother pleaded how hard it was that the children should miss their holiday-walk with him, so we were all dismissed from the scene of action, to spend a long, quiet two hours, lying under the great oak on One-Tree Hill.

"Get me my boat's crew ready; and tell the Mines to signal to Woody Island." As he stood on the jetty, a breathless messenger brought the reply. "A BOAT'S CREW GONE TO ONE-TREE POINT! FIVE MEN SENT FROM EAGLEHAWK IN OBEDIENCE TO ORDERS!" Burgess understood it at once. The fellows had decoyed the Eaglehawk guard. "Give way, men!" And the boat, shooting into the darkness, made for Long Bay.

It was lovely to see the morning sun climbing over One-Tree Hill, catching the larch-wood, and creeping down the broad slope of our field; thence up toward Redwood and Leckington until, while the dews yet lay thick on our shadowed valley, Leckington Hill was all in a glow of light.

The one-tree hill known as "Tem" appeared a little to the north of west: to the north-east we could see a river-fork, but none knew its name. Our return was enlivened by the inspection of an elephant-kraal, where a herd had been trapped, drugged, and shot during the last season. The natives showed me the liana which they described, still lying on the poles of the broken corral. Mr.