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Acting forthwith on this decision she ordered two little slaves during her absence to watch over the beautiful Persian, and not to allow Noureddin to enter should he come. She had no sooner gone than he arrived, and not finding his mother in her apartment, would have sought her in that of the Persian.

Then he turned to the gardener and said to him, 'O Gaffer Ibrahim, hast thou no drink here, for folk use to drink after eating? The old man brought him some fresh sweet cold water, but he said, 'This is not the kind of drink I want. 'Belike, said Ibrahim, 'thou wishest for wine? 'I do, replied Noureddin. 'God preserve me from it! said the old man. 'Say on, replied Ibrahim.

I am hopeful that we shall at last find out your son, my nephew; and if that should come to pass, the history of him, of you, of my own daughter, and of my own adventures, will deserve to be committed to writing, and to be transmitted to posterity. The widow of Noureddin Ali heard this proposal with pleasure, and from that very minute ordered preparations to be made for her departure.

It chanced, one night, that the Sultan purposed setting out on a journey on the morrow and the elder, whose turn it was to attend him, was sitting talking with his brother and said to him, "O my brother, it is my wish that we both marry and go in to our wives on the same night." "O my brother," replied Noureddin, "do as thou wilt; I will conform to thee."

He ordered the captain of the guard to take with him forty men, to pillage Noureddin's house, to rase it to the ground, and to bring Noureddin and the slave to him. A doorkeeper, named Sangiar, who had been a slave of Khacan's, hearing this order given, slipped out of the king's apartment, and hastened to warn Noureddin to take flight instantly with the beautiful Persian.

I will give you a letter to the king, which will ensure you a good reception from him." "It is an unheard-of thing," said Noureddin, "that a fisherman should be in correspondence with a king." "Let not that astonish you," answered the Caliph; "we studied together, and have always remained the best of friends, though fortune, while making him a king, left me a humble fisherman."

Then he brought the girl down to the market, to sell her, and handed her to the broker, who cried her and the merchants bid for her, till her price reached four thousand dinars; whereupon I said to myself, "I will buy her for our lord the Sultan, for it was his money that paid for her." So I said to Noureddin, "O my son, sell her to me for four thousand dinars."

A soldier named Dargham had risen up and deposed him, and the deposition of the wazir was the deposition of the real ruler, for the Fatimite caliphs themselves were now merely the puppets which the Merovingian kings had been in the days of Charles Martel and Pépin. These Noureddin despatched into Egypt to effect the restoration of Shawer.

The design of recapturing Edessa from Noureddin, the sultan of Aleppo, was given up. The siege of Damascus failed . Conrad returned home with broken health. Soon after, Damascus fell into the hands of Noureddin, who was a brave and upright leader. Through one of his lieutenants, he conquered Egypt.

Then said the damsel, 'O Gaffer Ibrahim, with thy leave, I will light one of these candles. 'Do so, said he; 'but light no more then one. So she rose and beginning with one candle, lighted fourscore and sat down again. Presently Noureddin said, 'O Gaffer Ibrahim, how stands my favour with thee?