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As soon as Noureddin, son of the Vizir Khacan, bearer of this letter, has given it to thee, and thou hast read it, take off thy royal mantle, put it on his shoulders, and seat him in thy place without fail. Farewell." The Caliph then gave this letter to Noureddin, who immediately set off, with only what little money he possessed when Sangiar came to his assistance.

Then, as soon as they get hold of it, they will tear it up, and so thou wilt lose the girl's price. When Noureddin heard this, he looked at the broker and said to him, 'What is to be done? 'I will give thee a counsel, answered he, 'which if thou follow, it will be greatly to thine advantage. 'What is that? asked Noureddin.

When the Divan broke up, Noureddin returned to his house and related what had passed to his father-in-law, who rejoiced.

Then he caused heavy shackles to be put on his feet and carried him to the prison, where he called the gaoler, whose name was Cuteyt, and said to him, 'O Cuteyt, take this fellow and throw him into one of the underground cells in the prison and torture him night and day. 'I hear and obey, replied he, and taking Noureddin into the prison, locked the door on him.

Nor did he stop here. He soon showed a disposition to shake off the supremacy of Noureddin, and the sultan of Aleppo was marching into Egypt to vindicate his authority, when he suddenly died in the year 1171. Saladin now saw the great obstacle to his ambition removed, and began to aim at realizing those schemes of sovereignty which Noureddin had projected.

This news caused great consternation to the lady, who, dressing herself as quickly as possible, hastened to the apartment of the fair Persian, to find that Noureddin had already gone out. Much astonished to see the vizir's wife enter in tears, the Persian asked what misfortune had happened. "What!" exclaimed the lady, "you ask me that, knowing that my son Noureddin has been alone with you?"

He ran without stopping till he came to the public church-yard; and, as it was growing dark, he resolved to pass the night on his father's tomb. It was a large edifice in the form of a dome, which Noureddin Ali built when he was alive. Bedreddin met by the way a very rich Jew, who was a banker and merchant, and was returning to the city from a place where his affairs had called him.

The Kling women here are beautiful and exquisitely draped, but the form of the cartilage of the nose and ears is destroyed by heavy rings. There are many Arabs, too, who are wealthy merchants and bankers. One of them, Noureddin, is the millionaire of Pinang, and is said to own landed property here to the extent of 400,000 pounds.

Noureddin, said the sultan, has been dead a long while: as to his son, all I can tell you of him is, that he disappeared very suddenly about two months after his father's death, and nobody has seen him since, notwithstanding all the inquiry I ordered to be made; but his mother, who is the daughter of one of my viziers, is still alive.

When Noureddin came in presence of the King, he kissed the ground before him and repeated the following verses, for he was facile of speech, firm of soul and abounding in good parts and natural gifts: May all delights of life attend thee, O my lord, And mayst thou live as long as night and morning be!