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Vast numbers of monkies on the rocks. Reached Kandy after a march of ten miles, all very much fatigued. This is but a small town; the large town having been taken and burnt by Daisy's son about two years ago, and all the people carried away. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Scott sick of the lever. July 1st. Covered a load of beads with the skin of the antelope.

They are only a little lower than the monkies in this respect, and we have seen some trained ones that could successfully compete with the Simians on their own ground. A Chinaman employed in the North Adams shoe factory, for instance, was asked to imitate exactly a boot of a particular style, which was shown to him.

Old Ebe he was de second man fur Adam was de fust A black man's made ob ebony, a white man's made o' dust. Methuselah was the oldest man, but Sampson was the strongest Cats, rats, and puppies all hab tails, but monkies is der longest. Amelia Jones: Concerning slaves of this section of the country, I will quote experiences and observation of an old negro lady who was a slave, Mrs.

The consumption of flour here is considerably increased by the immense number of dogs, cats, monkies, parrots, and other birds, kept by persons of every class, and fed chiefly on bread and biscuit. No poor devil that has not in his miserable lodging a dog to keep him company: not being able to find a friend among his own species, he seeks one in the brute creation.

The Saracens have conquered the whole of this land, and are themselves under subjection to king Daldili . In this country there are great numbers of black lions; apes and monkies are also very numerous, and their bats are as large as our pigeons. They have rats also, as large as the dogs in Italy, which are hunted by means of dogs, as cats are unable to cope with them.

"After this I continued to travel on without molestation, only from the monkies who were here so plentiful that oftentimes I saw them in large droves; sometimes I run from them, as if afraid of them, they would then follow, grin, and chatter at me, and when they got near I would turn, and they would run from me back into the woods, and climb the trees to get out of my way.

So great was the cry of the wounded, that the prior of the abbey with all his monks came forth, who, when they saw these poor wretches so slain amongst the vines, and wounded to death, confessed some of them. But whilst the priests were busied in confessing them, the little monkies ran all to the place where Friar John was, and asked him wherein he would be pleased to require their assistance.

III. Some animals are more perfectly formed than others before nativity. Of learning to walk. IV. Of the swallowing, breathing, sucking, pecking, and lapping of young animals. V. Of the sense of smell, and its uses to animals. Why cats do not eat their kittens. VI. Of the accuracy of sight in mankind, and their sense of beauty. Of the sense of touch in elephants, monkies, beavers, men.

"I dessay," was all he said. "Men is men accordin' to my experience of 'em." He added: "And monkies monkies. Same as the Psalmist said in his knowin' little way." Beaten back here, the young man, dogged as always, approached Boy in the matter. He was countered with an ice-cold monosyllable. "Indeed," was all she said. The young man persisted in spite of his stutter. She flashed round on him.

So the agreement was made, and poor Hans was to be sent down by the Portsmouth coach together with Peregrine's luggage. "The head remains unchanged within, Nor altered much the face, It still retains its native grin, And all its old grimace. "Men with contempt the brute surveyed, Nor would a name bestow, But women liked the motley beast, And called the thing a beau." The Monkies, MERRICK.