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Again he heard his daughter's voice below, now singing a gay little French chanson, a song of the café chantant and of the Paris boulevards. In a flash there recurred to him every incident of those dramatic interviews with the Mephistophelean doctor.

As I recall the step now, it seems to me that it was merely a habit. I think he took a long and then a short step, long and short, long and short." "Um," said Mr. Maddledock. "Just as he approached the crossing where the accident occurred he turned his head, and I don't think I ever saw a more Mephistophelean countenance.

Some descriptive passages are very remarkable and the minor characters, notably Roquairol, the Mephistophelean Lovelace, are more interesting than the hero or the heroine. The unfinished Wild Oats of 1804, follows a somewhat similar design.

His voracity is well known, and from the circumstance that the inner angles of his lips are curved upwards, he carries an everlasting Mephistophelean grin on his face. This whale averages some sixteen or eighteen feet in length. He is found in almost all latitudes. He has a peculiar way of showing his dorsal hooked fin in swimming, which looks something like a Roman nose.

This confidingness, this complaisance, this showing-the-cards of German HONESTY, is probably the most dangerous and most successful disguise which the German is up to nowadays: it is his proper Mephistophelean art; with this he can "still achieve much"! The German lets himself go, and thereby gazes with faithful, blue, empty German eyes and other countries immediately confound him with his dressing-gown!

"No, no because the interest will increase and the plot will thicken. It simply can't not," I insisted. She looked at me as if she thought me more than Mephistophelean, and I went back to something she had lately mentioned. "So she told you everything in her life was dreary?" "Not everything, but most things. And she didn't tell me so much as I guessed it. She'll tell me more the next time.

Carrion flies that buzz with a sickening hum of satisfaction over sores, and prefer corruption to soundness, are as good judges of meat as such critics are of character. That Mephistophelean spirit of detraction has wide scope in this day. Literature and politics, as well as social life with its rivalries, are infested by it, and it finds its way into the church and threatens us all.

This play is performed to enthusiastic audiences; but for the most part the favorite drama of the Burattini appears to be a sardonic farce, in which the chief character a puppet ten inches high, with a fixed and staring expression of Mephistophelean good-nature and wickedness deludes other and weak-minded puppets into trusting him, and then beats them with a club upon the back of the head until they die.

He did not fancy himself the holder of any Mephistophelean commission for the general annihilation of belief like George Bascombe, only one from nature's bureau of ways and means for the cure of the ailing body which, indeed, to him, comprised all there was of humanity.

It is this peril which we hope to prevent you from falling into with all our strength and all our affection. To this Mephistophelean address Joan of Arc made the following reply: 'I render you my best thanks for what you have said respecting the salvation of my soul; and it seems to me, seeing the illness I am now suffering, that I am in danger of dying. If this is to happen, God's will be done.