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Know, then, that three hundred noble youths of Rome have bound themselves by oath to take your life. I am but the first; the others will in turn lie in wait for you. I warn you to look well to yourself." He was then set free, and went back to the city, where he was afterwards known as Scævola, the left-handed.

O indeed 'twas Sir Benedict, I saw his hawk-face plain ere he closed his vizor, and he fought left-handed. Moreover, beside him I recognised the leaping dog blazoned on the shield of Hacon of Trant Oho, this shall be wondrous news for Duke Ivo, methinks.

"Curly," says he, "what you're saying cuts me a little more than anything ever did happen to me. Ain't I always done right by you?" "Of course you have, Colonel. Who said you hadn't?" "Ain't you always been square with me?" "Best I knew how," says I. "I never let my right hand know what my left was doing with a running iron and I was left-handed."

Alfred instantly steadied himself, and with his long arm caught the man in full career a left-handed blow like the kick of a pony, that laid his cheek open and knocked him stupid and staggering.

He knew what a marlinspike was from having seen the men use the sharp-pointed irons to pick apart the strands of rope preparatory to splicing, so, anxious to be of service, he hurried to Captain Spark's cabin. "The men sent me for a left-handed marlinspike," he said, interrupting the commander, who was busy over his accounts.

It was because I am left-handed and cannot throw good. Even when I aimed at the one I wasn't after I couldn't hit the other one, though I did make some close shots, for I saw the black blot of the clod sail right into the midst of the golden clusters forty or fifty times, just barely missing them, and if I could have held out a little longer maybe I could have got one.

Casey cooked supper for Babe and the Little Woman, and washed the dishes, and wrung out cloths from hot vinegar and salt so that the Little Woman could bathe her knee she had to do it left-handed, at that and unbuttoned Babe's clothes and helped her on with her pyjamas and let her kneel on his lap while she said her prayers.

All we have to do is to spread the average over a wider territory or a longer period of time. Any race or period that insists on being left-handed must go under if it comes in contact with a right-handed one.

The native was left-handed, with a quickness that surpassed all expectation, the bow was suddenly raised, the end of the arrow drawn back and the missile driven directly at the breast of Grimcke. His frightened glance in that direction gave him a glimpse of a dusky figure in the act of hurling his javelin.

I'll throw you for twenty-dollar gold pieces." Du Sang's eyes glittered. Unable to understand the reason for the affront, he stood like a cat waiting to spring. "This is my game!" he snarled. "Then play it." "Look here, what do you want?" he demanded angrily. Smith stepped closer. "Any game you've got. I'll throw you left-handed, Du Sang."