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In order to understand the significance of this indication we must turn our attention to parts of the ordinary spectrum, well known in themselves, which we have purposely left out of our study so far. These are the regions of the ultra-violet and the infra-red, invisible in themselves, but forming part of the spectrum as a whole.

"This thing registers some kind of wireless rays infra-red, I think, something like those that they say that Italian scientist, Ulivi, claims he has discovered and called the 'F-rays." "How do you know?" I asked, looking up from my work. "What's that instrument you are using?" "A bolometer, invented by the late Professor Langley," he replied, his attention riveted on it.

Ultra-violet, infra-red, pure heat, infra-sound, solid beams of high-tension high-frequency current in whose paths the most stubborn metals would be volatilized instantly; all iron-driven, every deadly and torturing vibration known was hurled against that screen; but it, too, was iron-driven, and it held.

It is thus found that, in the case of visible light, the number of the vibrations from the end of the violet to the infra-red varies from four hundred to two hundred billions per second. This gamut is not, however, the only one the ether can give.

"I've got infra-red glasses " I fumbled beneath my furs. But I did not have them. "Jac " "Wait, Elza." My glasses would have been useless, for the sub and ultra beams from the towers were disclosing nothing. I could tell that by the hasty searching sweeps they made.

"Now as we increase the rapidity of wave vibration and decrease the wave length we pass from, sound waves to heat waves or what are known as the infra-red waves, those which lie below the red in the spectrum of light. Next we come to light, which is composed of the seven colors as you know from seeing them resolved in a prism.

In answer to Ban's hands, the deck of the control cabin was literally vibrating under the mounting speed of the generators in the power-room. The generators could not stand that terrific overload long: they would burn out. But Carse needed only a few seconds of it. The asteroid was a quarter of a mile away, seen through the infra-red. The dome loomed large. "All right!" whispered Hawk Carse.

Viewing with infra-red light as they were, the fog presented no obstacle and the indescribable beauty of the city of concentric rings and the wonderfully luxuriant jungle growth were clearly visible. They plunged down into the council chamber, and saw Fenor, Ravindau, and Fenimol deep in conversation.

The secretary opened the door, and, sure enough, the Clutching Hand entered. "Well, how did your infra-red rays work?" he asked LeCroix. "Fine." "And they're gone?" "Yes. The flowers were in the window yesterday. Two of our men saw them on the boat." There came another knock. This time, as the door opened, it was Thomas, Bennett's faithless valet, who entered.

They crowded the instrument room where the tense duty man sat bending over his radio receivers. The mirrors were swaying. The duty man looked up and met Grantline's gaze. "I ran it up to the highest intensity, Commander. We ought to get it " "Low scale, Peter?" "Yes. Weakest infra-red. I'm bringing it up, even though it uses too much of our power." "Get it," said Grantline shortly.