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"My father humoured me, and we drew near to the laurustinus hedge, and looked over into the gay little garden.

So far wrote Polyhistor in the bonny days of early manhood an attempt made in a spasm of enthusiasm inspired in him and humoured by his most engaging Mentor, to record his first impressions of a notable personality not many days after its introduction to him. He has never taken up the tale again until now, when an insistent sense, as of a task left unfinished, compels him to the effort.

"Apollo" seemed a steed of "pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him." He chafed against stopping, and I humoured him gladly.

Miss Marianne must not expect to have all the men to herself. Brandon will be jealous, if she does not take care." "I do not believe," said Mrs. Dashwood, with a good humoured smile, "that Mr. Willoughby will be incommoded by the attempts of either of MY daughters towards what you call CATCHING him. It is not an employment to which they have been brought up.

"I know not thy meaning, Ranee, I " "Come, then, and I will show thee, my king. Come thou with me.... Nay, why shouldst thou falter? There is naught for thee to fear save me." She tugged at his hand and laughed low, in a voice that sang like smitten glasses. "Come, Beloved!" Unwillingly, he humoured her.

Next day the Indians of Acoste became better humoured, and having contented them, Soto crossed the river into the large province of Coza, through which he marched for an hundred leagues, finding it every where populous and fertile, and the Spaniards were every where received in a friendly manner, well treated, and commodiously lodged.

'And now, said Mr Lillyvick, when a heart-rending scene had ensued and the children were cleared away again, 'give me some supper. This took place twenty mile from town. I came up this morning, and have being lingering about all day, without being able to make up my mind to come and see you. I humoured her in everything, she had her own way, she did just as she pleased, and now she has done this.

Going up the steps of the Palazzo Bagnacavallo, the guest plumply told his entertainer to bring out the woman and go to the devil with his cackling. Amilcare laughed all over his face at the best joke in the world, and bowed to the earth. Thus humoured they went in to dinner.

It was to be on the chap of nine." "I'm going back to that place." The man was clearly demented and must be humoured. "Well, you must wait till the morn's morning. It's very near dark now, and those are two ugly customers wandering about yonder. You'd better sleep the night on it." Mr. Heritage seemed to be persuaded.

The Irishman was so gay and good- humoured that Barnes took hope. "By the way, O'Dowd, I'd like to speak with Miss Cameron if she can come to the telephone." There was a moment of silence. Then: "Call up at twelve o'clock and ask for me. Good-bye." Promptly on the stroke of twelve Barnes took down the receiver and called for Green Fancy. O'Dowd answered almost immediately.