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"O, Hal, what do I not owe to a fireman!" Hal then recalled for the first time her words of the previous day. "Do you despise the firemen now, May?" "Despise them? God forbid! How devoted! how self sacrificing! how humane! how noble to risk one's life for an entire stranger! O, Harry, I wish we could learn his name, that we might at least thank him.

"Tomassov ceased and stared queerly at me above the head of the prisoner. "I said, 'What did he mean? "'That's what I asked him, answered Tomassov in a dazed tone, 'and he said that he wanted me to do him the favour to blow his brains out. As a fellow soldier he said. 'As a man of feeling as as a humane man.

Up, and after being trimmed, by boat to the Cockpitt, where I heard the Duke of Albemarle's chaplin make a simple sermon: among other things, reproaching the imperfection of humane learning, he cried: "All our physicians cannot tell what an ague is, and all our arithmetique is not able to number the days of a man;" which, God knows, is not the fault of arithmetique, but that our understandings reach not the thing.

The arrest of the three last-mentioned individuals, simultaneously with that of the two Counts, has been related in a previous chapter. In the case of Van Straalen, the services rendered by him to the provinces during his long and honorable career, had been so remarkable, that even the Blood-Council, in sending his case to Alva for his sentence, were inspired by a humane feeling.

Plainly these were the only cushion and carpet obtainable in the house, and the guest observing that these were the very things he had noticed in the room below, exclaimed to Halil Patrona: "Oh, humane Chorbadshi, you have given me your own carpet and pillow; on what will you sleep, pray?" "Do not trouble your head about me, muzafir!

Another telegram sent from London on February 14 contained the following communication: In the House of Commons, Gladstone, replying to Baron Worms, stated that no humane purposes would be achieved by parliamentary debates about the Jews of Russia, Such debates were rather likely to arouse the hostility of a certain portion of the Russian population against the Jews and that therefore no day would be appointed for the debate, as requested by Worms.

From their horrid custom of eating the flesh of their enemies, not only without reluctance, but with peculiar satisfaction, it would be natural to suppose that they must be destitute of every humane feeling, even with regard to their own party. This, however, is not the case; for they lament the loss of their friends with a violence of expression which argues the most tender remembrance of them.

They said that the older slaves on the plantation had been far better off than the younger ones of the present day; that Major was considerate and humane to his people; and that the women were especially carefully treated. But they said Mr.

The revolution of 1688 swept away the grosser abuses; the administration of justice became decorous and humane; a spirit of fair play showed itself; the laws of evidence were gradually worked out; and, instead of political tragedies, we have a number of picturesque cases throwing the strangest gleams of light into all manner of odd dark social corners.

"Tomassov muttered wearily: 'What was the good of it? I did not wish to argue, so I only just mumbled: 'Ah, well! But the adjutant struck in unpleasantly: "'Why, it warmed the men a bit. It has made me warm. That's a good enough reason. But our Tomassov is so humane! And besides he has been in love with a French woman, and thick as thieves with a lot of Frenchmen, so he is sorry for them.