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So, whenever the grey one was on top, they would cry, ‘Vivat Soplica; foh, the Horeszko cowards!’ but when it fell, they shouted, ‘Get up, Soplica; don’t give in to the magnatethat’s shameful for a gentleman!’ So we laughed and waited to see which would beat; but suddenly little Zosia, moved with pity for the birds, ran up and covered those warriors with her tiny hand: they still fought in her hands till the feathers flew, such was the fury of those little scamps.

So he read and mused: Oginski and Wizgird, the Dominicans and Rymsza, Rymsza and Wysogierd, Radziwill and Wereszczaka, Giedrojc and Rodultowski, Obuchowicz and the Jewish commune, Juraha and Piotrowski, Maleski and Mickiewicz, and finally Count Horeszko and Soplica; and, as he read, he called forth from these names the memory of mighty cases, and all the events of the trial; and before his eyes stand the court, plaintiff, defendant, and witnesses; and he beholds himself, how in a white smock and dark blue kontusz he stands before the tribunal, with one hand on his sabre and the other on the table, summoning the two parties. “Silence!” he calls.

To be sure Zosia will not be a wealthy match, but yet she is not a common village girl, a simple gentleman’s daughter; her ancestors were called, ‘Your Grace’; she is the child of a wojewoda; her mother was a Horeszko: she will get a husband! I have taken such pains with her educationif only she has not degenerated into savagery here!”

Prussian, because you, sir, conduct your trading with the Judge’s pair of miserable boats, are you shouting for him? Have you forgotten, my boy, that your respected father used to make the trip to Prussia with twenty Horeszko boats? Thence he and his family grew rich; yes, and every one of you that are living here in Dobrzyn.

A vision in curl papers awakes ThaddeusBelated discovery of a mistakeThe tavernThe emissaryThe skilful use of a snuffbox turns discussion into the proper channelThe jungleThe bearDanger of Thaddeus and the CountThree shotsThe dispute of the Sagalas musket with the Sanguszko musket settled in favour of the single-barrelled Horeszko carbineBigosThe Seneschal’s tale of the duel of Dowejko and Domejko, interrupted by hunting the hareEnd of the tale of Dowejko and Domejko.

From the corner, where hung the portrait of the late Pantler, the last of the Horeszko family, from a little door concealed between the pillars, had quietly come forth a form like a phantom. It was Gerwazy; they recognised him by his stature, by his face, and by the little silvery Half-Goats on his yellow coat.

One, which was somewhat the younger, had a grey throat, the other a black one; they continued to scuffle about the yard, turning over and over, until they were buried in dust. We gazed at them, and meanwhile the servants whispered to one another that the black one must stand for the Horeszko, and the other for the Soplica.

Here he joined his two hands as though in prayer; the Warden drew back amazed, smote his hand on his brow and shrugged his shoulders. And the Monk began to tell of his former intimacy with the Horeszko and of the love between him and the Pantler’s daughter, and of the enmity between the two men that thence arose.