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No wonder that in an age in which courtiers and theatre- haunters were turning Romanists by the dozen, and the priest-ridden queen was the chief patroness of the theatre, the Puritans should have classed players and Jesuits in the same category, and deduced the parentage of both alike from the father of lies.

These fish are divided into the haunters of the shore, the free-swimming forms, the cartilaginous fishes or Selachii, which are not so named but are placed together, the mud-loving forms, and the fresh-water fish. Finally come invertebrates arranged in some sort of order according to their structure.

In his early life he wrote poems and dramas, under the influence of Byron; but his first notable work, Pelham , one of the best of his novels, was a kind of burlesque on the Byronic type of gentleman. Lytton essayed also, with considerable popular success, the romantic novel in The Pilgrims of the Rhine and Zanoni, and tried the ghost story in The Haunted and the Haunters.

Bulwer Lytton, with his usual remarkable foresight in things psychic, clearly perceived this. In his story, "The Haunters and the Haunted," he says: "In all that I had witnessed, and indeed in all the wonders which the amateurs of mystery in our age record as facts, a material human agency is always required. On the Continent you will still find magicians who assert that they can raise spirits.

Manchester Guardian. "As original, as powerful, and as artistically written as that little masterpiece of Lytton's, 'The Haunters and the Haunted. He bears favourable comparison with Le Fanu. . . . A volume which has an extraordinary power of fascination." Birmingham Daily Post. "The story is absolutely arresting in its imaginative power." Daily Telegraph. 3s. 6d. net

Giant, purple tarantula-hawks hummed past, scanning the leaves for their prey. Another class of glade haunters were those who came strictly on business, plasterers and sculptors, who found wet clay ready to their needs.

It wasn't every one who walked so far, especially at that flat season the only ghost of a bustle now, save for the gregarious, the obstreperous haunters of the fluttering, far-shining Pier, being reserved for the sunny Parade of midwinter.

I turned up the lantern. That pipe again, how obstinately it kept going out! and my last match was gone. The lantern, too, was that going out? I lifted my hand to turn it up again. It felt like lead, and fell beside me. Then I awoke, absolutely. I remembered the story of "The Haunters and the Haunted." This was the Horror. I tried to rise, to cry out.

Haunters of the séance of every species are his aiders and abettors the unbeliever, whom believers overwhelm or bribe to acquiescence, the fair votaries who find prurient suggestions characteristic of the genuine medium, the lover of the lie through the natural love of it, the amateur, incapable of a real conviction, who plays safely with superstition, the literary man who welcomes a new flavour for the narrative or the novel, the philosophic diner-out, who wants the chopping-block of a disputable doctrine on which to try the edge of his faculty.

It seems however that, though he bore the title and drew the salary of Secretary of State, he was not trusted with any of the graver secrets of State, and that he was little more than a superintendent of police, charged to look after the printers of unlicensed books, the pastors of nonjuring congregations, and the haunters of treason taverns.