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The Englishman, to whom the culture of this latter and darker kind of magic was ascribed, Sir Philip Derval had never hitherto come across. He now met him at the house of Haroun; decrepit, emaciated, bowed down with infirmities, and racked with pain.

There was no hint of his condition or the object of his journey, no appeal to confraternity with a view to getting bed and breakfast at trade prices, or some reduction on the table d'hôte charges. He travelled as a sort of Haroun al Raschid among innkeepers, haughtily paying his bills, and possibly feeing the waiters.

But Seti hung by the skin of his teeth to the fringe of Fielding's good-nature Fielding's words only were sour and wrathful. So Seti grinned and said: "For the grindstone, behold it sent Ebn Haroun to the mercy of God. Let him rest, praise be to God!" "You were drummed out of the army. You can't fight," said Fielding again; but he was smiling under his long moustache.

We continued still to find gold, but no more of the delicate substance, to which, in our sight, gold was as dross. "Enough," then said Margrave, reluctantly desisting. "What we have gained already will suffice for a life thrice as long as legend attributes to Haroun. I shall live, I shall live through the centuries." "Forget not that I claim my share." "Your share yours! True your half of my life!

Thou hast seen, and wilt know it, not I. "And I put my hand on the breast of Haroun for the dead man was he and drew from it the vessel of crystal. "Having done so, the frown of his marble brow appalled me. I staggered back, and swooned away. "I came to my senses, recovering and rejoicing, miles afar from the city, the dawn red on its distant wall.

I coveted that possession because I believed that Derval had learned from Haroun of Aleppo the secret by which the elixir of life is prepared, and I supposed that some stores of the essence would be found in his casket. I was deceived not a drop! What I there found I knew not how to use or apply, nor did I care to learn. What I sought was not there.

The only potentate that ever appears, in legendary lore, to have indulged himself to his heart's content in the sport of adopting a disguise and going about unrecognised among his subjects, is the witty and delightful hero of the 'Arabian Nights' Entertainment, Caliph Haroun Alraschid, who, as Tennyson describes him, had

It is well known that the grand seignior amuses himself by going at night, in disguise, through streets of Constantinople; as the caliph Haroun Alraschid used formerly to do in Bagdad. One moonlight night, accompanied by his grand vizier, he traversed several of the principal streets of the city without seeing anything remarkable.

The king's mouth puckered in appreciation of some memory. He leaned forward and touched Tristan's sleeve. "Gossip Tristan, there is at my court a scholar who told me an Eastern tale." "Pray God it be a gay one such as your majesty loves," "Hush, man; no 'Majesty' here. 'Tis of an Eastern King, one Haroun, surnamed, as I shall be surnamed, The Just."

Would I were on it, wel-a-way, An hour or liefer two or more! The Khalif smiled and made him a handsome present, and he went away rejoicing. The Khalif Haroun er Reshid was exceeding restless one night; so he rose and walked about his palace, till he happened on a damsel overcome with wine.