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The next day, this disaster not being known at Hadley, Captain Beers was detached from that place with thirty-six mounted infantry and a convoy of provisions to re-enforce the feeble garrison at Northfield. They had a march before them of thirty miles, along the eastern bank of the river. The road was very rough, and led through almost a continued forest.

So he stepped to the door of Hadley's room, and gently tapping it until he gained the occupant's attention, whispered in his listening ear: "There is danger about, stranger, and ef you take the advice of a friend, you'll not sleep over heavy to-night. Better have your arms ready for anything that may happen." "Thank you! my friend," whispered Hadley, in response.

Hadley is not exactly guilty of the same fatal attempt in his "Lelewala," for the poem is chiefly a story of love and sacrifice; but Niagara comes in as a programmatic incident, and the author of the text has fallen lamentably short of his subject in certain instances. In other moments, he has written with genuine charm, and the music has much that is worth while.

Woodbridge dropped in his address to her on the evening of our marriage, in substance as follows: 'If we hear that, like Harriet Newell, you have fallen a victim to the climate of India even before you have commenced your labors there, still we say to you, Go. 'Now, said she, 'tell my friends, tell my beloved pastor, tell the dear church in Hadley, that I do not, and never have for a moment regretted that I came here.

President Hadley has well said that "a written Constitution serves much the same purpose in public law which a fence serves in the definition and protection of private rights to real estate. A fence does not make a boundary; it marks one.

Scenes as your boat goes in them, and the waters rise, and then go down again, ought to make a corking picture!" Mr. Hadley was growing enthusiastic. "Get some jungle scenes to work in also," he directed. "In short, get scenes you think a visitor to the Panama Canal would be interested in seeing.

I do get through a good deal of business, but it shall never stand between you and me." And so the cunning legal man went his way. And then there remained the journey to Hadley.

Picard had reported the world to look flat from a little over fifty thousand-feet. "No news, Hadley," said Jeter. "Except, that our plane behaves perfectly and we are at sixty-one thousand feet.

Pritchett wheezed so grievously that what he said was not audible. George immediately wrote to Miss Baker, announcing his return, and expressing his wish to see his uncle. He did not mention Lady Harcourt's name; but he suggested that perhaps it would be better, under existing circumstances, that he should not remain at Hadley.

God knows what may happen if we delay longer though what two of you can do against something which appears to blanket the earth, and strikes from the heavens, I don't know. And yet, the fate of your country may be in your hands." "We realize that," said Jeter, while Eyer nodded. Hadley opened his mouth to make some other observation, then closed it again, tightly, as a horrible thing happened.