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They were amused by the rounded awnings over the balconies, which Nell likened to the covers of giant babies' perambulators; and they laughed at the black-painted doors picked out with lines of pale green, which contrasted with a whitewashed façade. At Haarlem I had another surprise for them, which I arranged before leaving Rotterdam.

The picture is in the Berlin Gallery. Among his best known paintings are "The Laughing Cavalier," "The Fool," "The Man with the Sword," and "Hille Bobbe. the Witch of Haarlem." Dutch School 1637-1709 Pupil of Jacob van Ruisdael When a man becomes famous many people claim his acquaintance, and often many places his birthplace.

But at least they had this comfort, they would face the foe together, and with them were two who loved them, Martha, the "Spanish Scourge," and Red Martin, the free Frisian, the mighty man of war whom God had appointed to them as a shield of defence. So they smiled on each other, these two lovers of long ago, and sailed bravely on to the closing gates of Haarlem.

To establish a place of amusement the governor formed a village called Haarlem, at the northern extremity of Manhattan island. He also constructed a good road over the island, through the forest, "so that it may be made easy to come hither, and return to that village on horseback or in a wagon." A ferry was also established to Long Island. Staten Island was a dreary waste.

Besides these great catastrophes, there occurred in the different centuries innumerable others which would have been famous in other countries, but were scarcely noticed in Holland such as the inundation of the large Lake of Haarlem caused by an invasion of the sea.

We this morning at 6 quitted Haarlem in the boat in which I am now writing as comfortably as in my own room, the motion scarcely perceptible, about 5 miles an hour; by good luck few passengers, and those above looking at a man who is at this incessant Dutch employment of painting. The boat is as clean as a china dish, but possibly it may not have been painted since last week.

"In this case," said the officer, "the person whom you know has found it, for the thing which the whole of Haarlem is looking at at this moment is neither more nor less than the black tulip." "The black tulip!" replied Van Baerle, thrusting half his body out of the carriage window. "Where is it? where is it?" "Down there on the throne, don't you see?" "I do see it."

Loud shouts of approval followed his speech, and a gunner, who now held the rank of captain, exclaimed enthusiastically: "Navarrete, the hero of Lepanto and Haarlem, is right! I know whom I will choose." "Victor, victor Navarrete!" echoed from many a bearded lilt. But Zorrillo interrupted these declarations, exclaiming, not without dignity, while raising his baton still higher.

You are young indeed, sir, to have passed through such perilous adventures; and I would fain hear from your lips the account of the deliverance of Leyden, and of such other matters as you have taken part in." The queen then seated herself, and Ned related modestly the events at Leyden, Haarlem, Alkmaar, and the two sea fights in which he had taken part.

So the doors were flung wide, and through them came people carrying a wounded man, then following him Foy and Elsa, and, lastly, towering above them all, Red Martin, who thrust before him another man. Lysbeth rose from her chair to look. "Do I dream?" she said, "or, son Foy, hath the Angel of the Lord delivered you out of the hell of Haarlem?" "We are here, mother," he answered.