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"A stupid, nervous little girl." It was some sort of game, not serious necessarily. He stepped abstractedly toward his wife, aware that the conversation had flattened. "I wasn't thinking," he answered, searching guiltily for an epigram. "Won't you play?" Anna stood up and brought her eyes to a level with his own. Again the light of foreboding, of unrevealed shadows flashed at him out of her smile.

She made a peculiar noise in her throat, not quite a sigh; rather a brave protest against the general fatality of things, stiffened by a determination to be strong though melancholy in misfortune. Three. Maggie suddenly entered, hatted, with a jacket over her arm. "Hello, auntie, you here!" They had already met that morning. "I just called," said Mrs Hamps guiltily.

"If it's to choose, I'd as soon choose Marion." Plank looked at Leila, who laughed. "All right; choose, then!" said Sylvia. "Howard, you're dying, of course, to play with me, but you're looking very guiltily at Agatha." The major asked Leila at once; so Plank fell to Sylvia, pitted against Marion and Grace Ferrall.

Then there was a rousing knock at the door, and Alice sprang up, as it were, guiltily. Recovering herself with characteristic swiftness, she went to the window and spied delicately out. "It's Mrs Bratt," she whispered. "I'll go." "Shall I go?" Herbert asked. "No I'll go," said Alice. And she went apron and all. Herbert overheard the conversation. "Oh!"

"What now?" demanded Cochrane. "The publicity on the torp-test," said Babs guiltily, "was so good that the firm was worried for fear we'd seem to be doing it for a client of the firm which we are. So we've all been put on a leave-with-expenses-and-pay status. Officially, we're all sick and the firm is paying our expenses until we regain our health." "Kind of them," said Cochrane.

And to Lakla, surrounded by them, from babyhood, they were not strange, at all. Why shouldn't she think them beautiful? The same thought must have struck O'Keefe, for he flushed guiltily. "I think them beautiful, too, Lakla," he said remorsefully. "It's my not knowing your tongue too well that traps me. Truly, I think them beautiful I'd tell them so, if I knew their talk."

Margot faithfully observed her promise to make no references to her ambitions on her brother's behalf, and, truth to tell, her silence involved little effort, for she was guiltily conscious of being so much engrossed in her own affairs that even Ron's ambitions had faded into the background.

He glanced guiltily round the room; then, creeping on tip-toe, he opened a cupboard behind the bed. Within was a tin basin and a small can. "Don't tell the old boy," he said. "I keep these things here, and wash on the floor."

If there comes a hurdy-gurdy on the street and you cock your ear to the tune of it, you may still hear the dancing measure of her wicked feet. Or it is possible that these are the kindred of Holofernes and that they have supped guiltily in their tents with a sisterhood of Judiths.

Very timidly and guiltily his hand sought hers beside it and gripped it and pressed it. "My dear!" he whispered, tritest and most unavoidable of expressions. It was not very like Man and Woman loving upon their Planet; it was much more like the shy endearments of the shop boys and work girls who made the darkling populous about them with their silent interchanges.