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Goulden and I were at work; it had begun to grow dark, and Catherine was lighting the lamp, a gentle rain was falling on the panes, when Theodore Roeber, who had charge of the telegraph, passed under our windows, riding a big dapple-gray horse at the top of his speed, his blouse filled out by the air, he went so fast, and he was holding his great felt hat on with one hand, while he kept striking his horse with a whip which he held in the other, though he was galloping like the wind.

Goulden would say, pensively: "Joseph, our unhappy country has fallen very low.

"That is nothing; God knows when this procession will end, you will be all the time on your feet, and will need something to sustain you." Then they sat down, Aunt Grédel on my right, and Catherine on my left, and Father Goulden opposite.

It only remains now to order a new levy to replace the dead!" He pushed open my door, and I saw him, bald, in his shirt-sleeves, with his neck bare, washing his face in the wash-bowl. "Do you think, Monsieur Goulden," I asked, in great trouble, "that they will also take the lame?" "No, no," he said kindly; "fear nothing, my child, you could not serve. We will fix that.

Then I imagined myself marching in the ranks with a number of other wretches, to whom they were crying out, "Forward! charge bayonets!" while whole files were being swept away. I heard bullets whistle and shells shriek; in a word, I was in a pitiable state. "Be calm, Joseph," said Monsieur Goulden; "do not torment yourself thus.

We stayed an hour longer at Quatre Vents, and as the people were coming from vespers, at nightfall, we set off for the town. Aunt Grédel went with us to where the post changes horses, and at seven o'clock we were at home again. It was thus that peace was established between Aunt Grédel and Mr. Goulden, and now she came to see us as often as before.

The next day we were installed in our two little rooms over the workshop at Father Goulden's, Catherine and I. Many years have rolled away since then! Mr. Goulden, Aunt Grédel, and the old comrades have all passed away, and Catherine's hair is as white as snow!

This very evening Joseph shall be in the mountains on the way to Switzerland." Monsieur Goulden hearing this, looked grave; he bent his brows, and replied in a few moments: "It is a misfortune, a great misfortune, for Joseph is really lame. They will yet find it out, for he cannot march two days without falling behind and becoming sick.

On hearing this, the hussar extended his two great hairy hands, as if to embrace Father Goulden. "You are a good patriot," he exclaimed, "Colin told us so. Ah! sir, I shall never forget the service you have rendered me. This watch I received from Prince Eugène for bravery in action, it is dear to me as my own blood, but poverty " "Commandant!" exclaimed the other, turning pale.

I recognized Monsieur Goulden's handwriting, and turned pale. "Well," said Zimmer, laughing, "it is come at last." I did not answer, but thrust the letter in my pocket, to read it at leisure and alone. I went to the end of the garden and opened it. Two or three apple-blossoms dropped upon the ground, with an order for money, on which Monsieur Goulden had written a few words.