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Surely there must be some other explanation than that he did it. I simply won't believe it." "If there is any other explanation," said Gimblet, "I will try and find it; but the affair looks bad against Sir David Southern from what I can hear." "Why should he have shot through the window?" said Ashiel. "They were both in the same house.

Juliet paused; she was out of breath; they had been walking fast and were within sight of the castle gates. The way led along the side of Loch Ashiel, and the castle rose in front of them on a tall rocky promontory, which jutted far into the water. "Let us rest here a few minutes," said Gimblet.

"It is hardly likely that anyone would have found it if they had had to search all through the house for it in the middle of the night," commented Gimblet. "Is there no other way of getting into the library?" "No, there is only one door." "How about the window? It was broken; could not anyone have put in a hand, or raised the sash?" "I don't think anyone could have got in. It isn't a sash window.

It's just waste of time hunting about, and I shall have another try at persuading my new cousin to let me make over everything to her." "It is not every young man in your position who would part so readily with a large fortune," observed Gimblet. But Mark awkwardly deprecated his approving words. "Oh," he said, "I'm sure any decent chap would do the same in my place."

He would see if anything more promising could be arrived at by taking the message as it was and assuming that all the words bore the meaning usually attributed to them. For more than an hour Gimblet racked his brains to read sense into the senseless phrases, and at the end of that time was no wiser than at the beginning. "Where there's a way there's a will."

"Faith," said Mick, on my telling him this, "it'll be moighty onplisint fur ye, Tom, me bhoy; thet gimblet oye ov his sames to go roight thro' an' thro' me, begorrah, if he ivver onst looks at me sure!" I did not mind Mick's chaff, though. The captain had been a good friend to me while I had been on board, and I parted with him with as much regret as I felt when I said `good-bye' to `Gyp.

With his gimblet he contrived to bore a number of holes so close together that at last one end of the bar, being completely pierced through, yielded; and pursuing the same with the other extremity, it fell out altogether. This last operation was so fatiguing, that for a short time he was obliged to pause to recover the use of his fingers.

Gimblet, you can prove till you're black in the face that he murdered every soul in the house, it won't make any difference to me." "Who do you think did do it, Lady Ruth?" Gimblet asked. "What do I know? An escaped lunatic, one of the keepers, the under housemaid, anyone you like. What does it matter?

Within the opening, on the floor at the far end, stood a large tin despatch-box. The door was a good eighteen inches wide; plenty of room for Gimblet to climb in, swollen with exultation though he might be. In less than three seconds he had scrambled through the aperture and was stooping over the box. It seemed to be locked, but a key lay on the top of the lid.

The Lord knows how I shall get through the time till he comes. I loathe writing letters, but this afternoon I'm dashed if I don't almost envy you and your correspondence." "I know it is the waiting that tells on one," Gimblet said, his voice full of kindly sympathy. "What you want is to get right away from this place. Its associations must be horrible to you.