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Hugh said: "In time past my Lord Abbot was indeed a mighty man, and both this town of Higham was well garnished of men-at-arms, and also many of his manors had castles and strong-houses on them, and the yeomen were ready to run to their weapons whenso the gathering was blown.

John picked up the ink-well, staring in complete amazement at the hard knot of ribbon with which it was garnished. "They seem to have been here some time." "They have; I reckon they're almost due to be called in. They've be'n up ever sence sence " "Who put them up, Ross?" "We did." "What for?" Ross was visibly embarrassed. "Why fer fer the other editor." "For Mr. Fisbee?" "Land, no!

The dining and sitting-rooms were hung with the original water-colour drawings mostly by Stanfield, I think which illustrated his minor works. Trophies from all parts of the world garnished the walls. The only inmates beside us two were his son, a strange, but clever young man with considerable artistic abilities, and his talented daughter, Miss Florence, since so well known to novel readers.

Other husbands are cast out in the morning to raven for income and return to a home that is swept and garnished towards the end of the day; but the literary husband is ever in possession. His work must not be disturbed even when he is merely thinking. The study is consequently a kind of domestic cordite factory, and you are never certain when it may explode.

We had hors-d'oeuvres, the soup and the hare all very tasty to look on and very soothing to the palate. Then came the fowl, roasted, of course the roast fowl is the national bird of France and along with the fowl something exceedingly appetizing in the way of hearts of lettuce garnished with breasts of hothouse tomatoes cut on the bias.

For these carvings and inlayings, with all other beautifications, were types of the extraordinary gifts and graces of the apostles. For as the foundation stones of the temple were thus garnished, so were the apostles beautified with a call, gifts, and graces peculiar to themselves. IX. Which way the face or front of the Temple stood.

"What do you mean?" asked Crowther. Piers' eyes were half-closed, and there was a drawn look about the lids as of a man in pain. "I mean, my good Crowther," he said, "that the mire and clay have ceased to attract me. My house is empty swept and garnished, but it is not open to devils at present. You want to know my plans. I haven't any. I am waiting to be taken in hand."

Whenever a piece of the land is to be set apart for a garden, two mighty rulers must be consulted as to the boundaries. When this earth child is born and flower garnished for the christening, the same two must be also bidden as sponsors. These rulers are the Sun and the Wind.

The Chaplain's island temper hardened under menace, even from the Lord's Anointed. What he felt he did not indeed care to lay bare: yet the upshot he would tell. The King's recent exploit in the parish of which he was Rector had come to his ears, garnished and exaggerated, perhaps; and he was determined to get rid of such visitors if he could.

The flat, plastered roof is garnished by picturesque stacks of fresco materials, which, having become thoroughly dried and cured, are placed there where it will be convenient. It is used for fuel. There is no timber of any consequence in Palestine none at all to waste upon fires and neither are there any mines of coal.