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And no wonder, for Nan was a very funny-looking little bundle indeed, in spite of her woe-begone appearance; her round face was streaked with mud, and tears, and scarlet paint, and the odd little wig had fallen over one eye in a waggish manner.

I hope it isn't wicked of me, Marilla, but really the thought of Moody Spurgeon being a minister makes me laugh. He's such a funny-looking boy with that big fat face, and his little blue eyes, and his ears sticking out like flaps. But perhaps he will be more intellectual looking when he grows up. Charlie Sloane says he's going to go into politics and be a member of Parliament, but Mrs.

Joe thought he was rather a funny-looking individual to own a factory; but, conscious that even stranger things might be found in this new world he was entering, he said nothing. He had already exposed himself to 'Frisco Kid in the matter of his pronunciation of "fo'c'sle," and he had no desire further to advertise his ignorance. A little after that he was sent in to blow out the cabin lamp.

Everything is habit with men, everything even in their social and political relations. Habit is the great motive-power. What a funny-looking peasant!” Kolya pointed to a tall peasant, with a good-natured countenance in a long sheepskin coat, who was standing by his wagon, clapping together his hands, in their shapeless leather gloves, to warm them. His long fair beard was all white with frost.

Anna Wolsky looked round her as she spoke with a searching glance, and then she suddenly exclaimed, "Yes, I do know someone here after all! That funny-looking couple over there were at Aix-les-Bains all last summer." "Which people do you mean?" asked Sylvia eagerly. "Don't you see that long, thin man who is so queerly dressed and his short, fat wife?

A funny-looking crab was sticking his head out from each of these shells. "These are the hermit crabs," said one of the mermaids. "They steal these shells and live in them so no enemies can attack them." "Don't they get lonesome?" asked Trot. "Perhaps so, my dear. But they do not seem to mind being lonesome.

So they were married and went away to live in the castle of the king, his father, and all the stepmother had to console her was, that it was all through her that her stepdaughter was married to a prince. A girl once went to the fair to hire herself for servant. At last a funny-looking old gentleman engaged her, and took her home to his house.

Upon the top of the wagon there perched a high rectangular object, a funny-looking thing, bobbing up and down as the wagon jolted over the rough ground. It was Harvey with the outhouse. There was nothing left now on Ida Mary's claim but the mortgage.

Before they had fully taken all of the food the boys begged to be allowed to assist in the defense, and George was thoughtful enough to recognize the fact that the guns they had were not like the breech-loaders, and without wasting time told the boys how they were manipulated. "Where did you get these funny-looking guns?" asked one of the boys.

Ryabovitch knew that the horses on which they rode, those on the left, were called one name, while those on the right were called another it was extremely uninteresting. Behind the horsemen came two shaft-horses. On one of them sat a rider with the dust of yesterday on his back and a clumsy and funny-looking piece of wood on his leg.