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Saunders, sir, can you hinform me, sir, 'ow it is that the sea don't freeze at 'ome the same as it does hout 'ere?" The countenance of the second mate brightened, for he prided himself not a little on his vast and varied stores of knowledge, and nothing pleased him so much as to be questioned, particularly on knotty subjects. "Hem! yes, Mivins, I can tell 'ee that.

"Thank you very much," she returned coldly, "but I can think of nothing in the world that would amuse me at present. I simply wish not to freeze, and to save my life I can't get one of our tiresome maids to answer my bell." Betty's grand manner had returned, but in spite of her haughtiness the newcomer persisted. "Do let me make the fire for you.

"May it not be," he thought, "that she is not coming again; and that I may have once more to freeze for another whole night?"

When cold, freeze; when frozen, remove the dasher and stir in the remaining pint of the cream whipped to a stiff froth. This will serve ten persons. 1 quart of cream 1/2 pound of pulverized sugar 4 ounces of so-called Mocha coffee Grind the Mocha rather coarse, put it in the double boiler with one half the cream, and steep over the fire for at least ten minutes.

The South Shetland Islands, in the same latitude as the southern half of Norway, possess only some lichens, moss, and a little grass; and Lieut. Kendall found the bay, in which he was at anchor, beginning to freeze at a period corresponding with our 8th of September.

In fact, on the march it has been a comfort that I have only had five fingers to freeze, instead of ten. There is a compensation in all things. So we are going to fight them at last? There is no chance of the fleet coming to take us off before that, I hope?" he asked, anxiously, "for we should all break our hearts if we were obliged to go without a fight."

To my query as to what notion the heathen had of God and a future state, he said that, when he did discourse them concerning the great and true God, who made all things, and of heaven and hell, they would readily consent thereto, saying that so their fathers had taught them; but when he spake to them of the destruction of the world by fire, and the resurrection of the body, they would not hear to it, for they pretend to hold that the spirit of the dead man goes forthwith, after death, to the happy hunting-grounds made for good Indians, or to the cold and dreary swamps and mountains, where the bad Indians do starve and freeze, and suffer all manner of hardships.

We had frost early that year a hard white frost sometime about the tenth of September. Neither Magnus nor I had any sound corn, though our wheat, oats and barley were heavy and fine; and we had oceans of hay. The frost killed the grass early, and early in October we had a heavy rain followed by another freeze, and then a long, calm, warm Indian summer.

In her weakness, Angelique heard all this without making any objection. What was it she felt pass over her face? A cold breath coming from a distance, from far above the roofs of the houses, seemed to freeze her blood. Was it true that her mother was telling her of this misery of the world, this sad reality, in the same way that parents relate the story of the wolf to unreasonable children?

When Ch'ing Wen heard what he wanted done she came accordingly and tucked in the covers, and, putting out her hands, she inserted them under them, and set to work to warm the bedding. "How cold your hand is!" Pao-yue laughingly exclaimed. "I told you to look out or you'd freeze!" Noticing at the same time that Ch'ing Wen's cheeks were as red as rouge, he rubbed them with his hands.